Chapter 29

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“Michael it’s getting dark and I’m scared”… My brother and I have wonder off into the woods and we couldn’t find our way back to the trail. I knew we shouldn’t have taken that short cut and ran off from Steve and Tony even though they are annoying

“Don’t worry Mia, We’ll find our way back” Michael said reassuringly. The sun is setting and soon we won’t be able to see in the woods. My dad took us to our house in the Hamptons and we took a little walk with Tony and Steve.

Steve and Tony kept yelling at us to behave so Michael and I decided to ditch them. We’ve never wondered off by ourselves before. We kept going deeper and deeper into the woods and then we realized we went too far out.

It’s been over an hour already and we haven’t spotted the trail or Steve and Tony. I'm just lucky to have my big brother with me because If I was to be by myself, I would be so scared and crying my eyes out right now.

“Michael, Mia” we heard a shouting for us.

“That sounds like Tony” Michael said looking over at me

“We are in big trouble” I said shaking my head

“Don’t worry Mia, it’s us two against them and the world” he said reaching out his hands to me. I grabbed on to my brothers hand tightly with a smile on my face. It’s always been the two of us. I don’t know what I would do without my big brother.


My eyes flicker opened from the dream I just had of me and Michael when we were little kids. I remember that day like it was yesterday. We ran away from the two most annoying people and getting lost in the woods. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have Michael with me that day.

I look around to an unfamiliar room. “Where the hell am I” I thought to myself. I felt an arm around me and I can feel someone breathing next to me. I turned around to see Johnny sounding asleep. I don’t remember falling asleep in his arms.

I moved his arms off of me slowly trying not to wake him up. I sat up and stretched out my body, but my body feels so weak right now and my eyes feel so heavy. My head is a little light, but that’s probably because I’m starving.

I stood up and slowly made my way to the mirror. I was still in the process of opening my eyes fully and once I did, I notice the huge red stain on my shirt. I stare at it confusingly until it hit me. Last night came back to me in a flash and I remember the image of Michael’s body lying in a pool of blood

My heart begins racing and I can feel myself breathing heavily like someone has suck the air out of me. I see Johnny in the mirror and remember him holding the gun that shot my brother. I turn to him slowly and saw that his pocket was holding in something big

I crept slowly making my way to the bedside and reached inside his pocket trying not to wake him up from my disturbance. I took the gun out of his back pocket and held it in my hands. Last night came rushing into my head like a speed of light.

Johnny and Michael had got into a fight. People were running out of the house. I was pushed down to the floor and I heard a loud bang. I hear sirens from afar. I see Michael lying on the floor not moving and a gush of blood coming out of his body. And I see Johnny standing there responsible for the cause of Michael’s death.

I drop the gun from my hand and it made a loud sound as it hit the floor. Johnny jerked up and looked around the room and finally spotted me standing right next to him. I started walking back slowly as I am now looking at my lover and my brothers killer.

In Love With The Enemy (Completed)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ