Chapter 6

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Sunshine Gone Rogue

Chapter 6

" " Speaking

' ' Thinking to Kurama


The Next Morning

A Forest Outside the Leaf Village

Naruto's POV

"Do you think you could slow down a bit?" Ino yelled from the back of the group of shinobi.

'Everyone is so slow, you think they would be able to keep up' 'setting expectations for konoha now are we kit' 'Shut up you damn fox, i'm not even trying to go fast. If I go any slower i'll practically be walking' Kura laughed then stopped talking after our short conversation.

I kept my pace and the shinobi behind me groaned and continued to follow my path from a distance behind me.

I stopped moving through the trees and dropped down to the ground below me. There it was, the town the Akatsuki completely decimated. How oddly comforting.

I sensed the rest of the group drop down behind me, panting.

"Let's take a break before we search the village" the masked nin announced.

'I can't believe I ever had even a shred of admiration for the copy nin'

Third Person POV

After camp was built everyone sat around the lit fire preparing food.

The Red Kitsune sat atop a tree branch above the group.

"W-would you like some food? It's really good!" Choji shouted, figuring that he had to be hungry moving as fast as he did.

He just ignored them, as per usual.

Kakashi signaled for everyone to gather in one of the tents and discuss the plan to find out the Fox's identity.

"We have confirmed the Kitsune is male, although I prefer other methods, right now we can try seduction, Sakura, Ino you are up" Kakashi finished.

"You really think it will work?" Shikamaru asked

"Of COURSE it will, no one can resist our charms!" the two said in unison. Everyone sweatdropped.

"Alright let's get him down for food and when we are eating you can start" with Kakashi's words everyone left the tent and sat around the fire with the now cooked food.

"Food's done youthful Fox, why don't you just come down for a bit to eat! We can bask in each other's youth" Gai yelled out.

Naruto's POV

'Hahahaha those absolute dumbasses! I heard their whole plan! I can't believe they think this will work! It's so dumb it's funny! Kura did you hear that?" Leaf shinobi really are the epitome of STUPID, I had higher expectations of you, Shikamaru. 'Kit, play along, it will be very funny' 'Eh, why not'.

I jumped down to the group and found a seat by myself on a log surrounding the fire.

Sasuke's POV

He really came down, but honestly I think this plan won't work.

Sakura and Ino moved to where there was only a breath between them and the Red Kitsune, one banshee on either side.

I'm starting to feel bad for him, wait really?

The only person I had genuine feelings for was...Naruto.



4 Years Earlier

Konoha Hospital

So I guess Naruto ended up bringing me long had I been out?

My eyes adjusted to the light and I saw the rookie 12, our sensei's, and the hokage, everyone except


Well, that makes sense, he's probably getting treatment in another room.

Why am I so worried about him? He stopped me from leaving! From my ambition...How DARE he keep me from killing Itachi! I hate him!

I-i hate him...

So I feel like I don't ever want to let go of him ever again.

Why is my heart beating so fast?

Is this what caring for someone feels like?

Is this...what love is?

When I snapped out of my thoughts I realized everyone was shouting questions at me.

"Sasuke-kun! Are you alright! That evil Naruto hurt you so much!"


"Sasuke, I will teach you some new jutsu when you are healed, you can get back at that demon Naruto"


"Now that the Monster Naruto has been dealt with, I can finish your healing"


"WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT" I was tearing up. Evil? Demon? Monster? Wha-

"We banished the awful demon, now the village and our Uchiha-sama can live in peace" Tsunade explained.

"What? Who's the demon?" Surely they couldn't be talking about-

Everyone began to laugh,

"WHO'S the demon, come on Sasuke you know. Naruto of cou-"

"Naruto isn't a DEMON, di-did you r-really banish him.." this is one hell of a terrible joke, whoever set this up is going to pay.

They all stared at me, some with confused looks and others just with blank stares.

"Th-this isn't a joke?" 

"of course not!, ~sasuke-kun~"

no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no NO NO NO NO NO


And suddenly

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800+ Words

Wowww finally updated at 4am!

ehh I took so long to upload

comments appreciated

NO this is NOT a sasunaru, although I do ship them


Kurama The Fluffball

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