Chapter 1

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Sunshine Gone Rogue

Chapter 1

" " Speaking

'  ' thinking to Kurama 


Naruto's POV 

"What did I do!" I yelled

"You know damn well YOU DEMON BRAT" the shinobi restraining me on the way to see Tsunade, the hokage, yelled back laughing. "The village should have done this ages ago" another shinobi said, still laughing.

'When I got to the village gates they just grabbed me and took Sasuke to what looked like the hospital, they said we were going to see the Hokage outside her office' I thought to Kurama, I met one time when I went unconscious due to the villagers beatings.



Where should I go, where should I go! They are going to catch me! I don't understand, why do they call me a demon when they are the ones chasing me, a four year old boy, around the village with kunais and other weapons.

It's so dark I can't see anything, tripped and fell on my face. Oh no they are close! I crawled into a nearby alley, I can hide here.

"THE DEMON IS OVER HERE" a villager with the byakugan yelled, a herd of shinobi followed his gaze.

No no NO! They are going to catch me, it's all over.

"Someone, anyone help me!" I shouted, although knowing that no one who wanted to help was listening. What have I done wrong? Am I really some demon...

Third Person POV

Villagers and even some shinobi surrounded the young, defenseless boy who was backed up against a wall.

"Please PLEASE DON'T I-" He was cut off by his own screaming after a villager with pink hair and a haruno clan mark on her back stabbed the boy in the leg. Naruto had gotten used to most of the pain, but if he didn't satisfy the sick people with his screams, they would hurt him a whole lot worse.

One after the other they lined up to stab, cut, burn or do whatever they wanted to the boy. Naruto just layed there limp, if he even flinched the pain would become unbearable.






The screams and yells from the villagers echoed in his ears.

Naruto's POV

I didn't do that WHY ARE YOU HURTING ME, I wanted to yell but I could barely open my eyes. I can't take any more, please just kill me already. I have had enough of this pain and your glares and your words. If only I could die from the stabbing, my wounds heal up super fast so by the time one of them is finally done, another comes and it looks like I'm perfectly fine.

The crowd started to thin out and soon I could see 4 people looking at me and grinning, looking back and forth at each other, like they knew something I didn't.

"Let's do it"

"Nobody's watching we are ok"

"Hurry up"

They walked closer and started to tear at my clothes. As if I wasn't traumatized enough. They started doing something that I later learned was rape. After everyone left I couldn't bring myself to even move my fingers. Soon a wave of pain, and exhaustion hit and everything went black.

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