Chapter 5

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Sunshine Gone Rogue

Chapter 5

" " Speaking

' ' Thinking to Kurama


Naruto's POV

They seem very desperate now, as if they would recognize me without me revealing myself.

I sat down on my bed in the hotel they had arranged. Now to get rid of any traps they placed to discover my identity here.

I searched the room and came upon some cameras that I quickly disposed of.

Well now that that's taken care of it's time for some rest.

I layed down on the bed but then I heard some people at the door.

*Knock knock* "Are you in there Kitsune? Let's go get some food! This barbecue restaurant is really good, you should come with us!" Sakura yelled from the other side of the door.

I quickly put my masks and kimono back on and got up to answer the door. How annoying, I just told them I wasn't interested back in the Hokage's office, or rather, the office in hell. I swung the door open and looked them all over with disgust laced in my glare.

"Is that all you came to bother me for?" I asked them, everyone that was in the office came with Sakura, besides Tsunade obviously.

"U-uh no, food would be great! But we a-also got some new info o-on the mission so uh..."

"Fine then"

"Wait, REALLY!" Sakura looked shocked and so did everyone else, I guess they weren't expecting me to agree. But if it had to do with the job I could get over being with these roaches and ignore them. Now to figure out how to quell my blood lust before I end up killing them out of sheer anger and revenge.

I walked a few feet apart from them, but they all took their turns glancing back and forth at me. As if I wouldn't notice.

Kakashi's POV

The Kitsune is really one to wonder about. He seems to hate us and this village; but for what reason?

Once we got to the restaurant nobody knew what to say to him, but I mean a 17 year old boy that could wipe out entire villages was certainly one to be scared of. He sat as far as he could away from us on the booth, he really does keep his distance.

"SO Kitsune do you like barbecue?" Kiba said, attempting to break the tension.

"All food tastes the same" The fox responded, everyone was at a loss for words hearing that.

"How about your home! Any ladies you've got your eye on foxy? Which village are you from?" most people tuned in at this, finding out where the fox was from and if he had a lover was important to our side mission of discovering his identity.

Naruto's POV

'I've about had it with Kiba's stupid questions'

"Would you stop asking stupid questions, if I had a family they'd be killed just for being my family and I don't have a village or home. I came here for mission info not your small talk or you all attempting to figure out who I am."

I looked them all over, each in turn wearing their own shocked expressions at my words, some wearing looks of pity and some of fear.

I don't need their pity, they should keep it for themselves for when I'm done with this village. Or when it doesn't exist.

I was about to get up and leave seeing as I'm not being given any details of the Akatsuki, but the food arrived at the worst time possible.

I want this village burned to the ground so barely the ashes exist, but maybe something that requires a bit more thinking would prove to be more enjoyable. After what they did to me, beating and abusing me as a child for something I couldn't control, banishing me after giving me false hope and crushing my once life long dreams, my so called friends and sensei's turned their backs on me when the perfect time was given to them. They showed me their true colors.

So I'll show them mine.


700 Words

Sorry this chapter is so short and I haven't been updating, I've been really busy, but I will update the next chapter as soon as possible

Comments appreciated, did you like the chapter?


Kurama The Fluffball

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