Nov. 19

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November 19. 8:24am.

DollyLlama: brrrr why is it suddenly so cold

UndeadFox: Ikrrr

DollyLlama: I cannot BELIEVE the weather

DollyLlama: I am freezing to death and my best friend just let me smh

UndeadFox: Oh?

DollyLlama: we were walking to school

DollyLlama: he had a scarf

DollyLlama: he gave it to. uh.

UndeadFox is typing...

DollyLlama: a female friend.

UndeadFox: Ohh??

DollyLlama: I mean yeah she was cold too, but the favoritism smh

UndeadFox: Aww sad Llama

UndeadFox: Did you feel like a third wheel lol

DollyLlama: no wait they're not romantically involved

UndeadFox: Oh, I see

DollyLlama: ... oR ARE THEY??

DollyLlama: they're kinda sus lately

UndeadFox: oooohhh?

DollyLlama: that female friend has a lot of boys who like her

UndeadFox: Ooh, popular much?

DollyLlama: well i mean she's very sweet and kind

DollyLlama: I've known her since childhood and i think she is SORELY UNDERRATED

UndeadFox: Is that male friend by the chance the one that asked for love advice a month ago?

DollyLlama: yeah...

DollyLlama: how did you know lol

UndeadFox: Lucky guess

UndeadFox: Hmmm

UndeadFox: I don't like to gossip about love lives but

DollyLlama: wait im having a big brain moment rn

DollyLlama: my best friend (lets call him A) knows im terrible at romance since its been years and ive yet to speak a proper sentence to cool girl

DollyLlama: he's known the female friend (lets call her B) for quite some time too, but im closer to her

DollyLlama: A never asked me for love advice before... until last month

UndeadFox: ohh so you think A asked for advice bcz you're close to B?

DollyLlama: maybe???? hhhHHhh

DollyLlama: aaaand there's the scarf thing which was kinda romantic ig??

DollyLlama: if he DOES like her, that explains the favoritism...

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