Oct. 24 - Oct. 25

663 26 128

October 24. 11:20pm.

DollyLlama is now online.

DollyLlama: hello foxie, sunday in 40 mins

DollyLlama: can't believe I wasted the entire saturday AGAIN

DollyLlama: why are weekends so short but weekdays so long-

UndeadFox is now online.

UndeadFox: Hi Llama, and yup same

UndeadFox: What are you doing now?

DollyLlama: texting my other friend

DollyLlama: he wants to impress an anonymous gurl and wants my input

DollyLlama: not sure why he would ask me, HES the flirt not me

UndeadFox: Ohh, interesting

UndeadFox: I'm listening to music

DollyLlama: ooOooOoo, what music?

UndeadFox: The band Red and the Wolf

UndeadFox: Heard of them?

DollyLlama: Ohhhhh I know them!!

DollyLlama: Love their songs, my fav album is soul of glass

UndeadFox: Yeahhh! :DD Another fan!!

UndeadFox: Soul of Glass is great... lmao the pun on sole and soul tho

DollyLlama: ye I love puns, maybe that's why I love that album LMAO

UndeadFox: My current favourite is Gingerbread House :D

UndeadFox: Their latest album

DollyLlama: Ooooooh! ye that was quite the comeback after the disappointment that was Sword in the Stone

UndeadFox: That album sucked

DollyLlama: agree

UndeadFox: Anyways I'm going to a Red and the Wolf concert soon :)))

UndeadFox: I'm looping Gingerbread House to prepare myself haha

DollyLlama: That's so cool!! I've never been to a concert lol

UndeadFox: Concerts are chaotic and fun at the same time, highly recc

DollyLlama: idk who to go to concerts with tho

DollyLlama: my friends don't listen to ratw:((

UndeadFox: :((

DollyLlama: speaking of my friend he's getting really anxious now

DollyLlama: I better talk to him to about his love woes

UndeadFox: Ah

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