Nov. 6

662 22 91

November 6. 10:38am.

UndeadFox: Good morning Llama

UndeadFox: You free rn?

DollyLlama is online.

DollyLlama: good morning

DollyLlama: let's be rebels and chat during class again

UndeadFox: We're such excellent influences on each other

UndeadFox: Anyways

UndeadFox: TGIF!

DollyLlama: its FRIDAAAAYY

DollyLlama: finally

DollyLlama: ive been waiting for the this for

DollyLlama: seven days aka. eternity

UndeadFox: Also, I'm going to a Red and the Wolf concert today :))))



DollyLlama: no one wants to go to a concert with me :(

UndeadFox: I WOULD take you but I don't know who you are

UndeadFox: :(

DollyLlama: Btw are we ever gonna reveal our identities

UndeadFox: Yeah I would want that, not now

UndeadFox: Maybe at the end of the school year?

DollyLlama: suree

DollyLlama: we'll cross the bridge when we get to it

UndeadFox: I promise I'll take you to a concert after we reveal our identities :))

DollyLlama: yay :D

DollyLlama: rmb to send me pics!

DollyLlama: have a good time foxie:))

UndeadFox: Will do ;)


You have one new message from Foxie :).

"Hey Llama, the 'lasagna' at lunch sucks. One of my friends nearly vomited, big yikes"

Sent: 12:16pm

Received: 12:18pm


November 6. 12:18pm.

DollyLlama: ayeee are we just gonna take turns offering lunch survival tips?

UndeadFox: Yup lololol

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