Oct. 8

689 24 101

October 8. 3:45pm.

UndeadFox: 'Twas a normal peaceful Thursday afternoon and all was well

UndeadFox: Until Fox's sister dragged her to the local bookstore the INSTANT school ended to buy a new book

UndeadFox: it's a cheesy heterosexual romcom with ridiculously slow pacing probably

UndeadFox: The sequel to False Obsession Turned Real

UndeadFox: ... But I guess you're not online now


You have 5 new messages from Foxie :).

Sent: 3:45pm

Received: 6:02pm


October 8. 6:03pm.

DollyLlama: omg foxie im sos sorry

DollyLlama: had a busy afternoon helping out my dad

DollyLlama: (pleaseplease don't hate me)

UndeadFox is now online.

UndeadFox: Haha how I can hate you after you introduced me to hitchikers? (adore the writing style)

UndeadFox: Also, rip Llama

DollyLlama: ohh, false obsession turned real

UndeadFox: You know it too?

DollyLlama: yup

DollyLlama: funnily enough, it's also my sister's guilty pleasure

DollyLlama: she says it sucks and it's stereotypical but I've caught her reading it

UndeadFox: Lmao

UndeadFox: I've read my sister's copy and

UndeadFox: yeah it's kinda cute but ALSO THE PACING

DollyLlama: TRUE

UndeadFox: the slowest slow burn

DollyLlama: it took cody like fifteen chapters to realise he has a crush on bridget... that dude is so STUPID

UndeadFox: Tbf it also took Bridget maybe six chapters to know she likes him

UndeadFox: My sister doesn't care about Cody x Bridget (not using the horrendous ship name that is "Brody")

UndeadFox: She stans Frankie x Alicia

DollyLlama: LMAOOO

DollyLlama: have you seen taht popularity poll

UndeadFox is typing...

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