Oct. 21

634 24 65

You have a new message from Llama.

"FOXIE HELP I procrastinated and now im rushing to finish the short story thATS DUE TODAY"

Sent: 12:11am

Received: 12:14am


October 21. 12:14am.

UndeadFox is now online.

UndeadFox: Geez Llama

UndeadFox: its literally midnight

UndeadFox: sleep plz

DollyLlama: nO

DollyLlama: I aM tired but inspired

UndeadFox: We have school in maybe seven hours

UndeadFox: (I'm too tired to math)

DollyLlama: yES but there's engkish tmr (today??) and I HAVE to finish this dumb story so i can

DollyLlama: hans it in to eng teache

DollyLlama: *hand

DollyLlama: *teacher

UndeadFox is typing...

UndeadFox: Seriouslu, either work on your story OR go to sleep

UndeadFox: no talking with foxie

UndeadFox: focus on your tasks

DollyLlama: :(((

DollyLlama: why are u even up lol

DollyLlama: I thought your mom would see if the lights on?

UndeadFox: ohh

UndeadFox: I'm using my phone under my covers

UndeadFox: ik it hurts my eyes but whatever it's just for a short while

UndeadFox: How's your progress? Also rmb to get enough sleep and stay hydrateddd

DollyLlama: I jsut need to END THE STORY

DollyLlama: i haves a pretty good ending but I cant formulate sentences and wirds rn

DollyLlama: idk whats grammar and spelling

UndeadFox: Ohh, that's good! You're almost there!!

DollyLlama: HHHHHHH

DollyLlama: I hate writing soemtkmes

DollyLlama: please ignore my 12am typos

UndeadFox: tbh 12am isn't that late

UndeadFox: I've stayed up to 5

Invisible String [sequel out now!]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin