Oct. 15

669 26 62

October 15. 5:24pm.

UndeadFox is now online.

DollyLlama is now online.

DollyLlama: heyo foxie help me out for a bit?

UndeadFox: Yeees?

DollyLlama: gimme any hair colour that ISNT blonde

DollyLlama: blonde is a v pretty hair colour but I have like three blonde characters alr

UndeadFox: Hmm

UndeadFox: Strawberry blonde?

DollyLlama: Too long lol

UndeadFox: How about auburn?

DollyLlama: thats perfect! thabks foxie:)))

UndeadFox: Np :) actually why do you need a hair colour?

DollyLlama: UHHHHH

UndeadFox: hMmmMmm


UndeadFox: Is it by chance for the short story competition

DollyLlama: oop

DollyLlama: You hit the nail on the head

UndeadFox: Writers' solidarity :))

DollyLlama: huehuehue we share one braincell

DollyLlama: how's your story going?

UndeadFox: Pretty ok so far

UndeadFox: (I think)

DollyLlama: OooOOooOoO

DollyLlama: mind sharing your plot?

UndeadFox: The premise is that a global pandemic in the near future forces everyone to stay at home

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: sounds dystopian

UndeadFox: Yeah kinda, but I've read articles saying it isn't as impossible as it seems

UndeadFox: So when everyone's stuck at home, the people use VR for communication and entertainment. Everyone loves VR and eventually grows attached to it, but of course things are not what they seem.

DollyLlama is typing...

UndeadFox: Wait I probably shouldn't say so much

UndeadFox: Don't wanna give you any clues about my identity:P

UndeadFox: It's a bad plot anyway

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: LMAOO FOX im sure your plot is amazing

DollyLlama: Don't look down on urself!

UndeadFox: Haha thanks

UndeadFox: How about you?

DollyLlama: im struggling with the plot lol-

DollyLlama: im always better with developing characters and character dynamics

DollyLlama: anyways i have like four unnamed characters i made this story

DollyLlama: *for this story


UndeadFox: LMAO

UndeadFox: Good luck Llama!

UndeadFox: I'll try to help in any way I can

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: ty foxie

DollyLlama: you're a real one

DollyLlama: anyways im comin up with bland and generic ideas

DollyLlama: i think i will physically combust if i write about spaceships again

UndeadFox: Hey, there's nothing wrong with using old ideas! All ideas have to based on *something*, yeah?

DollyLlama: technically yeah

DollyLlama: my brain feels deader than a sponge

UndeadFox: Haha

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: wait why did i make like three mistakes in the abov sentence

DollyLlama: drier not deader

DollyLlama: WAIT is deader a word?

DollyLlama: like, gooder isn't a word???

UndeadFox: deader is a word

UndeadFox: Lol

UndeadFox: I think you really need a break

UndeadFox: Do something to clear your mind

DollyLlama is typing...

UndeadFox: Go for a walk, clean your room, something

DollyLlama: yeah you're prob right, I canNOt have a coherent thought rn

UndeadFox: Yeah, let your mind wander for a while. Inspiration usually hits me when I'm bored

DollyLlama: yes ma'am

DollyLlama: guess ill go off now

DollyLlama: bye!

UndeadFox: Bye! Good luck with your story!


A/N: Thanks for reading!! Please comment and share with your friends if you liked it! :D Also thank you so much for 1000 views!!

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