Sep. 27

721 26 81

September 27. 10:53pm.

UndeadFox: Hi Llama

UndeadFox: Can't believe Sunday is almost over... sad

DollyLlama is now online.

DollyLlama: hello and YEAH ITS SO SAD

DollyLlama: we have to wake up early again

DollyLlama: I physically cannot

UndeadFox: My mom is telling me to sleep but I'm not sleepy at all

UndeadFox: Even though I know I'll be next morning

DollyLlama: oh come on it's not even 11pm

UndeadFox: exactly

UndeadFox: I read an online article that said sleeping hormones in teenagers are released at around 1am

UndeadFox: Which might explain why we don't feel sleepy now

UndeadFox: The article also suggested schools to start at 9am instead of 8am

DollyLlama: Interesting

DollyLlama: would certainly support the decision to start school an hour later

DollyLlama: but you can't believe everything you see online

UndeadFox: That's true. Media has a way of distorting our views

UndeadFox: It just turned 11pm

DollyLlama: Still NOT sleepy

UndeadFox: Same

DollyLlama: my sister's already going to bed though

UndeadFox: Oh, you have a sister?

DollyLlama: wait we're supposed to keep our identities a secret

DollyLlama: and yes I have a sister

UndeadFox is typing...

DollyLlama: she's. uh.

DollyLlama: significantly older than me

UndeadFox: Significantly, you say?

DollyLlama: yee

DollyLlama: very. SIGNIFICANTLY

UndeadFox: Ohh I see


"Hey, Alex."

Alex, who was shuffling to the kitchen in fluffy bunny slippers, looked up to see Conner. He was lying flat on the sofa and holding his phone inches away from his face. If his hand slipped for even one second, his phone would smack on his face. A rather dangerous position to be in, Alex noted.


"How much older are you? I forgot again."

Alex wrinkled her nose. "Seven minutes?"

Conner didn't look up from his phone. "Is that significant?" he mumbled.

Alex was puzzled, but just assumed he was chatting with his Internet friend again (they were always talking about weird things). "I guess in a way it is, since it determines who's the older twin."

"Alrighty Alex, you're now 'significantly' older than me. No, I don't make the rules."

Alex rolled her eyes fondly. "Whatever you say, my significantly younger brother."


DollyLlama: Well I just exposed the fact that I have a sister :)

UndeadFox: Hmm, makes it easier for me to find out who you are ;))

DollyLlama: wait WHAT WE'RE DOING THAT?

DollyLlama: I thought we were keeping things anon

UndeadFox: Yes we are

UndeadFox: But I can't help but be a little curious

UndeadFox: I'm sure you feel the same

DollyLlama: ngl I'm curious about your identity :0

UndeadFox: Time to put my detective skills to use :)

DollyLlama: you're scary, foxie

DollyLlama: Who do you think you are, the FBI?

UndeadFox: guess I'll tell you a fact about me to make things fair

UndeadFox: I too understand how to feels like to have a sister

DollyLlama: AHA!

DollyLlama: younger or older?

UndeadFox: Younger

DollyLlama: oooooooo

UndeadFox: Oh btw I think I gtg soon

UndeadFox: moms checking up on me

UndeadFox: She'll know if I don't switch off the lights

DollyLlama: :(

UndeadFox: :(

UndeadFox: I can always use my phone under the covers but I don't want to damage my eyes

DollyLlama: fair enough

UndeadFox: Okay I REALLY have to go now

UndeadFox: Night, Llama

DollyLlama: Night, Foxie

DollyLlama: dont let the bed bugs bite :))


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