Chapter 4

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Rolan stared at Athena. Athena stared at Rolan. Athena looked around.
"Do you," she swallowed. "Do you know where I am?"
"Y-Yeah,"Rolan stuttered. "You're at Pirate's Cove," Athena stared at him.
"Oh," she whispered. Then she beamed. "Oh, wow!" she cried. Then she frowned.
"Where in Pirate's Cove?" she asked.
"The Market's Square," he said. "Where did you come from?"
"Well, I was walking with my teacher, because we were on a field trip to Pirate's Cove, but then I fell down a hole and then,"
"Wait, hold up," Rolan interrupted. "What's a teacher?" Athena stared at him.
"'What's a teacher?'" she echoed. Then she laughed. "You must be joking!" Then she looked at Rolan who had a blank face. She looked at him.
"Teachers," she said, slowly. "Teach," she looked at him. "Hasn't anyone every teacher you?" Rolan stiffened.
"I live alone," he said, stiffly. It might have been a little harsh because Athena looked a little hurt.
"Well then, " she took a deep breath. "Point me the way back up there and," Rolan laughed, bitterly.
"No one ever gets up there," he said. "Sure, you can get down but no ordinary pirate goes up,"
"Oh," Athena whispered. She slumped. "And I'm not even a pirate," she added under her breath. Then she straightened up. "Well," she said. "Thanks, but I need to go," she walked over to the door, and left.
She's going to die he thought miserably.
"Starfish," he muttered and silently raced after her.

Pirate's CoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang