Chapter 7

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Allie looked down at the slaving humans. She looked at Stovic who laughed, evily. Allie turned her head.
"Too much for you, cuz?" A raven asked. Allie glared at it.
"Aren't you supposed to be with Henry?" The raven laughed.
"That jerk?" It cackled. "He doesn't even know that he's heading into a trap." Allie looked disgusted.
"Why do you do that, Verona?" She asked. The raven morphed into Queen Veronica.
"Because," she snarled. "He's a pirate!"
"So?" Allie snapped. "What does that matter?!" She stormed to her quarters.
Allie looked at the picture of her one love.
"Oh, Peter," she began to weep.
She frowned as she pulled out a slip of paper. She gasped and looked out the window. Sure enough, an army began marching down the hill. Allie smiled when she saw Peter in the lead. She grabbed her secret sword and raced out the room.
The rebellion starts now.

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