Chapter 8

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"So, you're saying that the morphers and the pirates and humans went to war, and my mom, Allie was the first morpher ever to marry a pirate?" Athena asked, still trying to let it sink in.
Galactapus nodded.
"That also explains the amulet," Rolan added. "It is said that a morpher and a pirate shall wear thus amulet and have strength beyond words," he bent down and placed it around her neck.
"Could help you when you go back, in case you are attacked," Athena frowned.
"Wait," she said. "I'm still going back?" Rolan nodded. Athena looked at him, shocked.
"But-but-" she stammered. "But-" Galactapus opened a door and gently pushed her inside.
"Ah, here's the little princess!" Athena flipped over to see a trio of men.
The man extended his hand.
"Henry," he grinned. "Henry Panther,"


Athena stared at him.
"P-P-Panther?" she stammered. The man laughed.
"She's a real scaredy cat isn't she?" he joked. Then he studied her.
"You grew a bit, didn't you?" he whispered, and Athena's eyes widened.
"Wait, you," she swallowed. "You know me?" The man sighed. He opened his mouth.
"Waah," someone moaned. Henry and Athena whipped around.
"The shadow," Athena whispered. Henry looked at her.
"Gus, Randy," he said. "Take Athena to the base," He drew his sword. "I'll deal with the shadow,"
"Take me where?" Athena demanded. Gus grabbed Athena and Athena wrestled out of his grip. She whipped around and stood stock still.
The shadow was right next to her!
"You can't win, Princess," the shadow seethed.
"I'm not a princess," Athena whispered. The shadow laughed. Athena went rigid. "I'm. Not. A. PRINCESS!" Athena roared. And lunged at the shadow. It shrieked as Athena raked her claws across his neck.
Wait, claws?
Athena looked down and saw that she was a lion!
The shadow shrieked and lunged at her. Athena backed up and lashed her tail. She roared and pounced again. But suddenly the shadow morphed into a lion!
Athena retreated and collapsed behind the men, morphing back. She gasped and tried to ignore the pain. The men started yelling, but Athena couldn't here anything. Finally, Gus grabbed her and they ran up the steps to her teacher's cruise ship.
He set her on the ground and Athena blacked out

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