Chapter 2

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"Athena!" Athena waved to her best friends, Cal and Val. For some reason they didn't look happy. Athena frowned.
"What's wrong?" Athena asked, suddenly worried. Val looked at Cal. Val didn't talk much. Her twin sister sighed.
"Mum said we can't go," Cal sniffed. "Our aunt, Candy has a wedding."
"Oh," Athena tried to cheer up her friends. "Well, today's Art Day!" She said, trying to cheer them up. Cal nodded but her face was still an expression of sadness.
Athena bit her lip. Great, she thought. Just great.
Rolan peeked around the corner. Everything was in the right place. He grinned. He strolled down the corner. A shopkeeper eyed him suspiciously.
"Good day," Rolan said.
"Well, you're not getting' any of me steak, if that's what yer wantin'" he growled.
Rolan's face fell and walked away, pitifully. The shopkeeper just gave him the stink eye. Then as soon as he was out of sight, Rolan jumped up higher than any human could because, well, he was after all, a pirate.
He did a flip in the air and landed on another shopkeeper's roof. He jumped across the other ones till he got to the one he wanted. He pulled out a stick and poked him on the right side. The man swung his head to the right, and quicker than lighting, Rolan snatched some fruit off the stand.
The man let out a little huff. Rolan waited for a minute than did the same with the right. Only, he didn't wait long enough. The man swung his head faster and grabbed the steak on Rolan's stick.
Rolan's eyes widened. The man looked up.
"HEY!" he roared. Shoot! Rolan thought and dived down, grabbed a steak and ran. Unfortunately, the shopkeeper sent his daughter after him. Rolan dashed behind the door, thinking it was the shopkeeper.
"Hey, found you," Rolan stifled a scream and dashed down the alleyway, taking crazy turns to shake her, but she seemed to know the in and outs of the city too.
"I hate you," he muttered and dived off the end of the roof.
"SUICIDE!" Rolan turned to see the girl with a panicked face. He grinned. Then he turned and just before he hit the ground his arms shot out and he soared into the sky. He did a few quick loops and dived down a three blocks from his house.
He pushed open the door and walked inside. He chuckled to himself and placed the steak in his makeshift refrigerator. He smiled.
"Best. Day. Ev-" Rolan started.
"AAHHHH!" Someone screamed and tumbled into the room Rolan yelped and backed away. The girl huffed and brushed herself off. Rolan stared at her.
"Who are you?" Rolan asked.

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