Chapter 5

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"Get yer grub here!" a street merchant yelled.
"Stuff a sock in it," Athena muttered and pushed the grub in front of her away. She walked past stalls of food.
Food. Food. Food!
Athena walked past a stand and froze. She turned to see a stand full of jewelry. But one thing eye. It was an amulet. It hung on a golden band with a red ruby in the middle. It was full of dust, yet it radiated with light.
"Excuse me," she said walking up to the merchant. She pointed to the dusty ruby neckless. "How much is that?" The merchant looked down and frowned.
"That?" she said. She looked at Athena then at the ruby and shrugged. "Eh, here you go," She lifted the ruby and gave it to Athena. Athena rummaged threw her pockets and found a golden dime. The woman's eyes lit up.
"That'll do," she said, snatching the coin. Athena shrugged and walked away.
She walked further on and looked behind her. She frowned and looked ahead of her. She froze.
"Your'e dead," a voice whispered prickling her skin. She slowly looked around. A shadow sat at the end of the alleyway. That was creepy enough but the thing was simply that, the thing didn't have a body!
Athena stumbled back and felt her heart beating.
Faster, faster, faster, faster!
She gasped, trying to gather enough air.
"Fool!" someone yelled, just as the shadow ascended apon her. A sword slashed threw it and it screamed. Athena looked up and saw Rolan floating. He floated down and watched as the shadow retreated into the darkness.
"That," he said, helping Athena up. "Was freaky," he frowned. "What did you do to the guy?"
"I don't know," Athena gasped. Rolan grinned.
"Well," he said. "back to what you said," he smiled. " I think I know someone who could help you,"

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