Chapter 9: 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧𝐬, 𝐚 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐲, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐥!

Start from the beginning

A giant muscular man started to walk though the Hall.

"All this crying and whining before noon? What a bunch of babies."

"This is Elfman, he's a muscle-bound wizard who solves jobs with just his fists."

"Real men speak with their fists!"

"He's encouraging fighting after all..."

Natsu and Gray both punched Elfman at the same time, launching him into the air. One punch and he's already knocked out-(Y/N) snickered at this amusing scene.

Meanwhile, an orange-haired man was sitting off to the side on the bench, relaxing with some ladies at his side. "Ugh, how noisy...Isn't that right, ladies?" The girls only sighed in response.

"That's Loke, the ladykiller of our guild! He's ranked pretty high on the Wizards Bachelor list."After (Y/N) finished introducing Loke, a stray glass cup nailed him right on the head and caused him to lean backward a bit with a frown. Lucy then took out a book and flipped to a page with a picture of Loke in it and marked a huge 'X' over it.

"I'm going to join in, but only to protect you girls." Ah, a flirt everyday and night.

Lucy sweat-dropped, noticing crazy stuff and people around Fairy Tail. "But what's with this place? There isn't one normal person here!" "I wouldn't mind it too much-" "Hey, (Y/N)!" A sweet voice called out, averting their gaze to see who it is. "Is this the new recruit?"

"Mirajane! The Mirajane!" Lucy squawk, "I've seen you on so many pictures on Socercer's Magazine!" Then, stopping her fangirling, she pointed at the messy fight going on. "S-Shouldn't we stop them?"

"They're always like this. We should just leave them be. Besides-" before Mirajane could finish her sentence, Elfman suddenly flew by and crashed into Mirajane, squishing her under his heavy build. "I-It's fun here, don't you think? uhh..." A white stream appeared to be Mirajane's spirit escaped from her body.


(Y/N) was about to say something when a different person smashed against her, causing both of them to collapse on the ground. She opened her eyes to see Gray... who is also completely nude. What was worse is that they're in the most weird position.

"My boxers!" Gray cried out. Natsu simply stood there with a smirk while he swung Gray's underwear across his hand. Lucy screamed and covered her eyes in embarrassment.

However, (Y/N) didn't seem to mind much as she nudged Gray to get off her. Noticing the posture they're in, Gray flushed and swiftly stood up. He didn't forget to be a gentleman and helped his friend up either. "Thanks, Gray." "Yeah, uh, (Y/N), can I please borrow your underwear?" "Huh? Yeah, sure." "Yeah, Right!" Lucy suddenly appeared and swung at Gray with a giant paper pan that came out of nowhere.

Afterwards, Loke picked up Lucy in bridal style and tried to flirt with her, only to get punched away by Elfman, who, in turn, got punched away by Natsu again. Cana was simply trying to enjoy her drink but finally had enough as she stances to use her magic.

"Ugh, how annoying. I can't even have a nice, relaxing drink." Cana turned to the crowd with a card in her hand, a light teal magic symbol appeared from the card. "You guys had better knock it off!"

let's fight again, yeah?| natsu dragneel x readerWhere stories live. Discover now