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"That's funny how you say best friend," Yua says taking a step closer to me. "Last I checked, you barely know anything about me."

Both mine and Sara's eyes widened at the words Yua had just said. Before I knew it a scowl appeared on my face and I took a step towards Yua so we were both practically breathing on each other.

"I barely know you because you never tell me anything. Whenever I ask you never tell me, and you always hide the pain!" I say raising my voice slightly. "I know that you're hiding your true feelings. That's why I never ask because I know it will hurt you! I always act like everything is fine so I don't add to your troubles, but look where that got us!"

Sara quietly turned away from the situation as Yua yelled "Maybe I don't tell you anything because it's not that important!" 

"And that's exactly what the problem is! Why do you think that what's happening in your life is unimportant?!"

"There are people out there with problems worse than mine so what the hell are you getting mad for?!" Yua yelled back.

"Yeah, there are people out there with bigger problems, but we aren't talking about them! We are talking about you, Yua Amano. We are talking about what's going on in your life not what's going on in anyone else's."

"Then what about you? All of a sudden you stop talking to Iwaizumi and say that this is for the best. Kiyomi Saito, what the hell happened that day?"

"You're still avoiding the situation!"

"So are you!" Yua yells stopping me in my tracks. "You're saying that you want me to talk to you about my problems because I never tell you anything, but why aren't you telling me everything?"


My hair overshadowed my eyes as hot tears streamed down my face.

"I don't want to remember anything that happened that day... In fact, I don't want to remember my feeling for Iwaizumi." I say before looking at Yua with bright glassy eyes. "Yua... I'm scared."

Now Yua also had tears streaming down her face as she pulled me into a hug. I gripped on Yua's shirt and we both cried our eyes out.

"Kiyomi, I'm so sorry." Yua cried. 

"Me too."

We pulled away from each other when a growling sound echoed through the hall. Yua laughed nervously. "I haven't eaten dinner yet." She says.

"Me either." I hold out my hand for her to grab. "Let's go eat."

As soon as Yua takes my hand we dash through the empty hallway to the dining hall where all the girls' volleyball teams were at. The two of us quickly grab our food and try to find a table to sit at, but they all seemed full.

"Yua! Kiyomi!" I heard Sara's voice shout across the dining hall.

Yua and I walked to the table Sara was sitting at and saw the many girls sitting with her, thankfully I remembered all of their names. Sara was sitting at the edge of the table next to Aiko then Hana, Rose, Aki, Hanami, Ichika, Zoey and Aia... And Kimi. 

Dang it.

"There's only one seat left." Kimi pointed out. "How are they both going to sit here?"

"That's easy." Aia says as she grabbed Kimi's tray and walked to a faraway table. "You'll sit here."

When Aia walked back Zoey had a huge smirk on her face. "This is going to be interesting." She snickered.

"OI! Why the hell did you do that?!" Kimi screamed at Aia.

𝑻𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 (𝑯𝒂𝒊𝒌𝒚𝒖𝒖 𝒙 𝑶𝑪)Where stories live. Discover now