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Every flotilla of ships that sails has a mothership;
A magical city afloat that's fully aware of the destination.
Magnificent one that sets the direction for all those ships to sail.
I am a smaller ship: one of her many personalities.
Sometimes I lose her lead; a life on a very low vibration.
Feeling like I have no real direction; paralyzed when I think about what I'll do next.
Sometimes I am connected to her; living in the present moment of the time.
Tuning into what I really want and then manifesting it into the world.
The mothership knows why I jump into the water.
I may not know all of the time but she knows why I encounter storms.
While I have the awesome privilege of being a little ship, I should learn how to sail in the same direction as my mothership.
I can sail in the opposite direction that is a sure way to find rough water but to heighten my vibration, I should helm myself in the direction that my mothership wants to sail.
If taking the right path would mean a life filled with meanings then I shall begin a voyage and start to calibrate my inner compass to always align itself with the direction that my mothership desires to pass through.

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