Part 7

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One week later...

"Grace love? Look who's on the telephone." My mother called me while I was reading a book on the couch. I got up curious who that person was. I grabbed the phone from my mother's hand and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I said kindly.

"Hi Grace! I'm Diana!" The girl said happily. My pupils were brutally reduced, my complexion turned pale, and my body was stiff and cold as dead.

"H-Hello Diana... W-how are you?" I stuttered nervously.

"Very good. How was college?" She asked.

"Alright... Fun... I guess" I laughed uncomfortably at the situation. "I'm glad honey, I'll leave you with Clyde"

I swallowed hard, incredibly nervous. My body started shaking.

"Grace?" His deep voice sounded on the other end of the phone line.

"Hi Clyde! How are you?" I asked, trying to sound as less nervous as possible.

"I am fine, how are you?" He asked back.

"Very good too, thanks."

There were a few seconds of silence.

"Well... I was thinking and... Since you come back, would you like to go out one day and catch up on what happened this year?" My heart sped up dramatically.

"Yes! Yes of course, I would love to." I accepted his invitation.

"Great... is five in the afternoon good for you?" He said. I accepted and after saying goodbye, we collated the call.

Clyde was my best friend since ninth grade. Apart from my best friend, he was my platonic love. Months after I met him I fell deeply in love with him. Even though I'm anti-love, he's the only one who makes me forget it.


Clyde and I met at the shopping centre, in a little place set in the fifties called Peggie Sue. Here I was, waiting for him beating my legs nervously.

"Grace?" The voice rang out in front of me. I looked up and there he was.
His short curly charcoal black hair, large eyes, and long lashes with a dark brown iris. He had his wide nose and plump lips, and his light chocolate skin made his white clothes stand out.

"C-Clyde! Hello!" I got up and gave him a hug in greeting. We both sat down.

"God Grace, how long! You look so pretty!" He complimented me, making me blush.

"You look also very handsome." I told.

We spent hours talking about what happened this last year. I felt again what I felt for him more than a year ago. I laughed at anything he said. My pupils were dilated and my smile was always for him.

At one point, while my hand rested on the table, Clyde put his on mine. We both looked at each other as our faces slowly drew closer, closing our eyes and puffing out our lips.

But suddenly, we parted in fright when a balloon behind us exploded.

Paul's POV:

Where the hell is it? I saw it the other day! Have they bought it? I thought in my head. I would walk and search all over the shopping centre and could not find it. This was horrible. Maybe it's upstairs. I thought, although on the higher floor there were only the bars and restaurants, like Mercy, Ed's or Peggie Sue. I took the stairs to make sure. I looked around and only saw
to restaurants, bars, children and Garce.

Grace?! I saw her sitting in the Peggie Sue with a boy. I got pissed off and decided to hide so she wouldn't see me. Their hands were clasped and they looked at each other lustfully. Their faces began to draw closer.

No, McCartney think something. I have it! I saw a boy with a balloon right behind them. I quickly dug through my pockets and pulled out the sharpest edge. A thumbtack. I stared the target of the bullseye and threw the thumbtack to pop the balloon, which I succeeded. Grace and the boy broke apart and looked back.

The two of them looked at each other, a little embarrassed and then Grace said something to him and got up and walked into the bar. She was probably going to the bathroom. This was my time to say something to this brat. I furiously approached him.

"Hey you" I said edgeily.

"Hi, can I help you?" He asked me.

"Yes, leave Grace alone, okay?" I ordered angrily.

"What are you talking about sir? Who are you?" He said starting to sound uptight.

"You better leave her if you don't want to have problems with me" I said sounding a bit toxic and jealous. The boy just nodded and I ran away when I saw Grace come out of the bathroom.

She is playing with me, I'm sure.

Now I Love Her | Sequel of And We Still Love Her Where stories live. Discover now