FIFTEEN: "Thanks, Little Bird"

Start from the beginning

             "Two against one," Cheshire spoke with her sickly sweet tone as she stalked into the computer lab, two different sai nestled in her grasp. "What shall you do now, Atlantean?"

              Thinking he was distracted by the two pieces of arsenal in his skin, the assassin flicked her arm out, a small knife flying out from under her sleeve. It's blade shimmered under the rays of moonlight casting through the windows, handle having an dominating engraving traced over it. Spotting the blade, Aqualad throws out his left arm, his water bearer constructing a large wall to deflect the weapon but a green arrow beat it. The blade was smacked to the ground, tinging loudly against the slick tilling.

            Turning on their heels, Cheshire and the assassin met the gaze of the newest teammate. "Don't move," Artemis gritted out, an arrow strung in her bow.

             A faint chuckle leaves Cheshire's lips. "This gig's getting interesting."

             The younger assassin draws an arrow, pointing it at Aqualad as Cheshire faced Artemis. She drew a collapsible sword, swinging it around her fingers tauntingly before holding it beside her defensively.

             But before either of them moved, Kid Flash and Miss Martian also joined the party, entering the room at rapid pace and standing defensively in front of Roquette.

             "Maybe a little too interesting..." Cheshire observed.

             "I can take all of them within seconds," the assassin hissed through gritted teeth, adding two more arrows to her bow and holding them beside each other as she pulled the string back.

            Cheshire shook her head though, grabbing onto the younger girl's forearm. "Time to vanish, Myth," she insisted, despite knowing that Talia Al Ghul's prized pupil could handle the young heroes. She threw a handful of smoke pellet to the ground, and when the thick cloud of smoke vanished, so did the two assassins.

Cheshire did not want to risk the handpicked assassin being hurt or otherwise she'd risk the rath of, not only Talia, but the Demon's Head himself. Ra's Al Ghul also admired the girl's loyalty and skill, immediately offering to take her in when Talia brought her to Nanda Parbat. The Myth had protection from two of the most dangerous people on the planet, and Cheshire was not going to risk getting in the middle of that.

August 8th, 22:57 EDT

        "ROBIN TO AQUALAD." The Boy Wonder's voice shatters the silence that had swallowed them in the Bioship, the vehicle gliding silently and only emphasising the silence encasing them. "We're over Philadelphia. We've located the Shadows' next target, S.T.A.R Labs."

Leaning forward, Katherine's eyes widened as she spotted the building that was suspected to be the next target. It crumbled seemingly by nothing, the surrounding area becoming damaged as the building fell apart, nothing but thick layer of fog emerging from the rubble. She easily picked up on the strong wind like sound it left behind it.

A heavy sigh passed Katherine's lips as she sunk in her seat, arms crossed. "We're too late." She successfully managed to isolate her hearing too, zoning in on the destroyed building to hear absolutely nothing. "No survivors," she stated sadly, glancing at Superboy who shared the same solemn expression.

          Robin is stunned by the efficiency and completeness of the fog. "It's destroyed, totally destroyed."

          Superboy's shares their shock. "The Fog decimated it."

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