SEVEN: "No problem, bro"

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CHAPTER SEVEN: "No problem, bro"


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IN RESPONSE TO THE INTRODUCTION, SUPERBOY CHARGED AT THE ANDROID WITH EVERY INTENTION TO SHATTER IT TO PIECES. But, he didn't get far. Mr. Twister rose a hand lazily and fired a wave of wind towards the clone, who managed to fight it for a few moments before he was forced back, slamming against the back wall before falling abruptly to the ground.

Katherine glanced back at her friends before recieving a nod and approval to initiate her next attack, which Wally joined her for.

          Wally landed a solid kick into the android's chest but it remained unphased, simply backhanding the speedster out to the parking lot. Katherine glided under the hand that was aiming to swat her away, and threw a punch into the side of the robot's head. The material creaked and cracked at the impact, twisting to the side for a moment before turning back and grabbing onto Katherine's foot as she went to kick the thing. She gasped in surprise before being slammed into the concrete, she grunted at the impact before Mr. Twister slammed her into the other side and threw her with ease like a ragdoll. Two small craters were formed from where he slammed her.

            Surprisingly, the pain wasn't as excruciating as it typically was. Katherine grunted as she hit a metal support beam before falling to the floor on her stomach, eyes squeeze shut in pain as she tried to push herself up. Bless her kryptonian cells, if she didn't have them, then she would definitely have a few broken or fractured bones from those impacts.

            Despite their best efforts, the young group of heroes didn't last long against Mr. Twister. Miss Martian and Aqualad suffered similar fates as Kid Flash and Supergirl, leaving the Boy Wonder standing as his friends tried to regain themselves.

             "I was prepared to be challenged by a superhero. I was not, however, expecting children," Mr. Twister quipped with a slight distaste in his tone.

Robin's jaw clenched at the statement. "We're not children!" he yelled, chucking two of his birdarangs at Mr. Twister. The robot simply blew another gust of wind, but despite one failing and exploding in the wind, the other piece of arsenal stabbed his chest, piercing the metal.

"Objectively, you are," Mr. Twister responded, flicking the birdarang away before it could explode on him. "Have you no adult supervision? I find your presence here quite disturbing—"

Slowly, the young heroes inside managed to climb to their feet and join Robin. Kid Flash however, was still outside. "Well, we hate to see you disturbed. Let's see if you're more turbed once we kick your can!" the Boy Wonder exclaimed, M'gann taking the stage and using her telekinesis to pull a piece of the roof out of place, releasing a wave of steam upon the android.

The thick steam managed to mask Superboy's attack as he charged at the enemy, what sounded like an animalistic sound escaping his throat. The attack fell short however, as Mr. Twister threw a wave of wind towards the clone, sending him backwards and into M'gann, making them both fall to the floor. Besides Kaldur and Robin, Katherine flew forward.

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