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"What the hell are you doing here, Jin?"

"Hello to you to," he tsked and stepped forward.

"No," I said, folding my arms and taking a step back, which was almost impossible because I was just barely inside the doors. "What the hell are you doing here, Jin?" I repeated. "I blocked you on everything and specifically told you I never wanted to see you again."

"That was over seven months ago," he said, stepping forward again and I have him a warning glance and he stopped. "Why do you think I'm here? I miss you." He stepped forward again, this time quicker than I was and pressed me against the door, kissing me. The gesture shocked me into standing there, lips pressed against his for a moment before I pushed him off.

I scrunched my face in disgust and scoffed. "You missed me? Is this a fucking joke? You need to leave and never contact me again," I said and started to walk around him.

He backed up and tried to keep in front of me. "(y/n) just wait. Give me one second to explain," he said, but I continued to walk past him and into the hallway toward my door.

"There's nothing to say, Jin. It's over and it's been over. I don't know how much clearer I could make it. I don't want to hear what you have to say," I said, finishing my words before opening my door.

"(y/n)," he said again, but I closed the door in his face.

I heard him audibly sigh and then a few minutes later I heard his footsteps retreating.

Luckily, the lights were off in my room and Sowon was still dead asleep, so I wouldn't have to explain why I'd gone from blissfully happy to horribly sad, unwanted tears falling down my face. My back stayed pressed up against the door until I had the strength to leave it and strip myself of my clothing and crawl back into bed.

If I knew Jin like I thought I did, this wasn't going to be the last of it. He was going to find a way to say what he wanted to say and I was going to hear him out whether I wanted to or not. As I lay there, I thought about texting someone, maybe Jimin, but then I realized it was late and I had class tomorrow and so did everyone else. It was probably better to attempt to sleep and wait until the morning to let the bomb drop.

I closed my eyes and tried to take myself back to that backseat with Taehyung, which actually worked out okay because I could smell the scent of him in my hair. I relaxed and then there was nothing.

My dreams were a mess. First, I was back on my date with Taehyung, except we were on a boat. Then, he turned into Jin, which was weird enough, but then Junghwa was there and so was Lisa. I had turned to talk to Lisa about something, maybe Sowon related, and when I looked back Jin and Junghwa were fucking right in front of me. Except then it wasn't Jin anymore and he'd turned back into Taehyung. I was going to kill them both, but then Jimin appeared out of no where and for some reason I decided it was better this way. He could just fuck Junghwa for all i cared and Jimin would never know about us and that would be that.

Then I woke up and remembered everything that was actually happening and debated with myself if the dream or real life was more tolerable. Then again, Taehyung wasn't fucking Junghwa in real life, so that was a bonus.

I sighed and sat up.

"Hey," Sowon greeted from her bed. She was still slumped in her bed and the only thing that told me she wasn't sleeping was that her eyes were visibly open.

"Hey," I greeted back, sleepy, but sympathetic.

"Do you think you could stop by my English class and pick up this packet thing my professor made for me?" she asked, her eyes pleading.

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