I began laughing to the point where tears started to slip out of the corners of my eyes and Noel had to flick me on the cheek to get me to gradually stop.

"Okay, dickhead," Noel said with a frown. "You done?"

I wiped at my eyes and shook my head, smiling. "Are you serious? You want to come running with me?"

"Want to?" He tilted his head, showing that he was pondering my question. "More like willing to sacrifice my streak of non-exercise-related activities. Sex aside, obviously. That's technically exercise."

My lips twitched. Noel and his technicalities. "But why?"

"So you can stay on course with your schedule."

"Oh my God," I groaned, dropping my head down into one hand. "I don't have a set schedule. And even if I did, running with Noel wouldn't be on it."

"You do." He held up a finger towards me. "And, I'm pretty sure you can pencil in running with sexy roommate real quick. Anyway, your routine habits aren't always a bad thing."

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked, pinching my brows together.

"Your exercise routine keeps you in shape, so when I describe you with your abs and everything to women, they're even more on board to fuck us both."

I blanched. First, why was he talking about my abs? And second, "That's so shallow."

"I know. And I'm fucking kidding, Nat." I didn't understand the joke, but he looked entertained enough by my reaction. He was smiling, seemingly pleased. "To your earlier question, I actually thought it would be nice to hang out, but if you don't want to..."

I stood up probably too quickly. Noel looked surprised, but didn't say anything, he just stepped back so I didn't knock him over. "You have workout clothes?"

He rolled his eyes. "I'll manage. Worry about yourself."

I bit back a grin and we opened our separate wardrobes and began to change.

It felt good that he was willing to do something so far from his normal type of activities just because we'd be hanging out while doing it.

"I really think I might die," Noel huffed.

He was bent at the waist, hands on his knees clutching tightly. I stretched my hamstrings with one leg extending in front of me as I lowered my weight into the move slightly. I hadn't really worked hard, but I still felt a familiar burn and smiled at Noel.

"You won't die, baby."

"Oh, cutesy nicknames?" Noel breathed out, then gasped for more air.

I rolled my eyes at the back of his head. His face was turned to the ground and eventually he looked up at me, revealing a red, sweaty canvas.

Somehow he still looked amazing. He picked up his water bottle he'd brought and started downing it.

"No," I answered, switching legs. "We did one mile. And it took you twenty minutes and three breaks. You don't get a nickname for that poor performance."

He scowled and lifted the hem of his shirt, showing his heaving stomach, so he could wipe the sweat off his face with it. I tried not to stare too long at his flat torso.

He dropped his shirt and deadpanned, "I hate you, but I don't hate you."

I chuckled, a strange happiness spreading through me. Bantering with him was always fun. "Same, Noel."

Nathan Marsh's State of BeingWhere stories live. Discover now