Collette Maisey Fredrickson

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"So, the baby is going to be biologically yours?" I questioned, confused.  Clara said she had an appointment in a week.  She said she would be able to give it up because it wasn't going to be biologically hers.  She nodded. "You're going to be able to give up your baby?"

"I'm going to have to," she said with a shrug.

I shot Katherine a look, and she returned it.  Neither of us thought she could do it, and it was nothing against Clara.  It's just that people only ever give up their child for one reason.  The child's quality of life.  That wouldn't be a problem at all with Clara.

Katherine was back, by her own demand.  We weren't going to force her back this soon after the accident, but she was determined.  She'd know if she was ready to come back or not, so we didn't fight.

"I was thinking," Katherine said, fidgeting her cup. "I really need the break from Jason and Greyson.  I mean, I love him, but he is so damn exhausting." Clara shot us both a suggestive look, and Katherine shook her head vigorously. "I was talking about Greyson!"

"Mhm," Clara hummed, obviously not believing her.  Katherine rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, I need a break, and Clara needs to get as much partying as she can in before she's pregnant.  I think all three of us should go out," she said.  The last sentence obviously said with a bit of caution. "I just think it would be fun for us all to go out again.  These coffee shop gatherings are fun and all, but I haven't been out in ages." She looked at me cautiously, and I realized Clara was also looking at me like she was worried I would just fall to pieces.

Not wanting that to be the case- no- determined to not let that be the case, I sat up straighter and shrugged.

"Sure.  I mean it's been a while for me, too." And there was a good reason for that big gap in time of no drinking outside of my own house, but you know whatever.

Of course there was absolutely no way that I was going to say that to them, though.  I didn't need the pity, and I thought that maybe if I just stopped talking about it I would be able to forget it happened and move on with my life.  So far it hasn't worked at all.  I still have nightmares sometimes.

"Really?  That's amazing," Katherine said.  She looked at the time on her phone, and a smile spread across her face. "We'll all meet at Collette's house in two hours."

She was already gathering her stuff to leave, so it was set in stone now.  No backing out.  No last minute 'I'm sick' texts.  I'm going out.  Period.

Katherine was already out the door by the time Clara and I picked up our stuff.  We walked out to our cars.

Once I got home, I changed from my comfortable black t-shirt and jeans into a dark red corduroy skirt with buttons up the front, along with a black tank top, and a leather jacket.  I had loads of time left, so I decided to curl my hair into loose waves and put some makeup on.

I sat on the couch and watched The Office as I waited.  After about two episodes, I heard a knock at my door.  I stood and walked over to answer.

It was both Clara and Katherine.

Katherine was wearing a golden romper with a pair of black t-strap heels.  Her hair was straightened, but it was hardly noticeable.  Her makeup was very light.

Clara was wearing a bodycon black spaghetti strap dress.  She had a pair of black stilettos on to match, and her makeup looked more natural.  Her hair was straightened as well.

"Ready to go?" Clara asked.  I looked at the time on the clock- seven thirty- before taking a deep breath and nodding.

I pulled on a pair of black heels before following them out to my driveway where Clara's car was sitting.

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