Since my mom passed away Sofia kept her distance, She hadn't really been the best friend she once was.

I felt like that was completely down to Jaxon, There was something about the guy I just didn't like.

I heard the key turn in the door, I thought 'fuck Jaxon is back' I couldn't bare see him now because I would tell him some home truths and I was not afraid to use my mouth.

It wasn't Jaxon.

Damn. God had just answered my prayers.
I needed a glass of water because he was blowing me away.

I got up "Well hello handsome." I said.

"Hello, You must be Freya? Heard alot about  you" he answered politely.

I smirked. "That's funny because I haven't heard a damn thing about you.
She's been keeping you all to herself."

He chuckled "I don't know about that, I'm Kyle it's nice to meet you."

"I'm Freya, and yes, yes it is." I smiled.

He was on fire and Sofia kept him to herself, naughty naughty.

I bet she was playing away and it wasn't  the other way around..

Kyle looked at me "So how are you?"

"I'm fantastic now your here, How are you and how do you know the Angelos?"

"I know Sofia, I rent a room from her, and I'm great cupcake." He grinned.

"Oh you do huh?" I couldn't help but bite my lip.

Kyle frowned. "You want a smoke?"

"Hell yeah.." I walked outside with him.

I hoped he had a good spliff, Some of the shit about is nasty.

Kyle sparked it. "I'll save you twos"

I couldn't help but stare at him.

He was hot as fuck and he smoked weed even better.

I took a drag and it was amazing, "So smooth." I remarked. "Nothing like the other shit my mates selling.."

Kyle nodded "This is the best around at the moment."

I was curious. "Where do you get it from, I know load of people that would be interested."

Kyle bit his lip "I sell it babe, It's  my own business, What do you think about helping me sell it? I'll give you 20 percent.."

"50 percent and a couple of 10 bags and you've got a deal." I smirked.

Kyle laughed. "I've got better than weed, I've got pills and many more things that will take the edge off it's really good stuff.."

"Okay I'm in if you let me have 30 percent.." I suggested.

Kyle nodded. "Yeah you've got yourself a deal babes, This is strictly business it's Only between you and me.."

Sofia came downstairs, I said I was off now and that I would see her later.
If she needed me she could just give us a call.


Jaxon had been calling all day.

I couldn't speak to him at that moment, He had made me so angry and I phycially couldn't look at him.

It would be better for both of us if he slept else where for a few days.

I slammed my phone down on the counter, I just couldn't be bothered with any hassle today..

Kyle frowned. "Are you okay? You and the fella fell out..?"

I sighed. "Something  like that, You know when you just want a day to be over with?"

Kyle smiles. "Come have a cuddle, It makes everything better."

He wasn't wrong. He was so cuddly and warm, He smelt so good I could cuddle him for hours.

I quickly snapped back to reality and realised I shouldn't be cuddling another man.

"Thanks that was just what I needed" I smiled.

Kyle nodded "No problem. I can be your cuddler when ever you need, and your shoulder to cry on"

He kissed me on the head and headed upstairs.

Why was I hoping he kissed me on the lips?

I think there was definitely some flirting there that needed to completely disappear before Jaxon noticed.

I got a bottle for Ezmaya and warmed it up.

I headed upstairs and turned in for the night, snuggling with my princess. "You're all I'll ever need" I whispered and I gently kissed her on the forehead and put her in her cot.

"Night night baby girl, sweet dreams."

First Love, Addicted To YouWhere stories live. Discover now