Bad Influence.

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I tossed and turned most of the night.

I cried more and more.
The fact my daughter no longer had a nanny, The fact Jaxon had lied to me.

I didn't hate him, How could I hate someone that had given me so much?

But I never told him I didn't hate him, I let him go to work thinking our home was broken, That he couldn't be trusted, That  he was a bad person.

Did that make me a bad person?

I called Freya to come around, I asked if she could give me some advice since she was my best friend.

She was the only person I had at that moment in time.

She said she would be over after her shift.
I got Ezmaya up and made her some rusk and milk for breakfast.

She was looking more and more beautiful every single day, I was such a mess, I couldn't help but cry.

My mom was never going to see Ezmaya again, She was never going to hold her, She was never going to be able to see her beautiful smile.

My heart broke in two, I didn't even get to say goodbye.

On that note I was burning my toast, I couldn't even get that right..
I took Ezmaya upstairs and got her dressed.

Downstairs I put her in her bouncer so me and Freya could have a chat.

Freya knocked the door and gave me the biggest hug ever, I really needed it too.

"Hey, everything okay?" She asked me.

"Not really." I couldn't help but cry.

Freya Hughes me again. "what's wrong babe?"

The fact I couldn't tell her half of it hurt.

I had to lie to my best friend again..

"Jaxon just keeps lying, He keeps telling me he's changed and then he does something to make me question it again.." I said wiping my tears.

Freya frowned. "He isn't cheating on you is he?"

"I wouldn't put it past him Freya" I said. "He has done unforgivable things and I don't know where to go from here.."

Freya bit her lip "You and Ezmaya have always got a home with me.."

I smiled "Oh thank you, But I can't leave without knowing if something is worth fixing"

Freya didn't look happy. "He doesn't seem to make you happy, You never seem happy anymore.
You've got to put yourself before him because you don't want to loose yourself girl."

Ezmaya, The little drama queen she was, Started crying because she wasn't getting attention, she was just like her daddy.

I picked her up said to Freya "I'm just going to feed her and put her down for a nap, I won't been long."


I felt sorry for the girl, Since meeting her that day and introducing her to stripping and her meeting Jaxon she was different.

I missed the old Sofia, The Sofia that didn't care what people thought, It was her way or no way.

Now she was a wife to be and a mother. 
It is crazy how much things had changed and how much she was  dealing with and she's still is the strongest person I knew.

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