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Nia's PoV

"Bye girls, see you later tonight and don't forget to keep me updated on what goes on okay?!" Mom yelled as me and Mia hopped into Abby's car. "Sure Mom, bye!" I yelled back as i slam the car door shut.
I waved at my Mom as Abby started the car and began driving. I continuously waved my Mom until she disappeared out of sight before i finally sat back down on the chair. "Jeez Nia, you acting like you're going off to military school, chill out," Aubrey said as she stared out the window. I just rolled my eyes and also stared outside the window whiles Abby drove fast and steady to our destination.


We've been on the road for fifteen minutes now and i dont even know why, like seriously from my house to the school is about fifteen minutes drive and its 7:45pm now and we are still on the road.
"Abby, whats happening?" I ask her as she slowed the car down for some reason. "Oh its just traffic," she said and i stared at her in confusion. "Traffic?" I ask her and she nods her head in response. "But there isn't any traffic around this area," i said and she sighed. "Nia, we are taking a different route today, we decided to take the main road instead of the shortcut," she explained and i still didn't understand. "Uhm why?" I ask her and she sighs again as the green light came on and she began driving. "Uhm cause we can," she replied and sighed. This was just plain stupid. "Just relax Nia," Margaret said and i smiled. "Okay Mag, and oh my you look amazing," i say to her with a wink and she blushes. "Thank you Nia, you look beautiful well not like me though," she said and we laughed together. "Okay okay, if you guys are done now, can we please get to the event?" Abby asked sounding annoyed. "Cmon Abby, dont be such a jealous girl," Michelle said from the front and Abby just rolled her eyes. "Whatever," Abby said and we laughed as she continued driving.


We got to school at exactly 8pm, well not exactly but it was 8pm by the we arrived all thanks to Abby.
"See, if you took the shorter route, we would've been here earlier," i said and she rolled her eyes. "Just chill Nia, i don't think the main things have started yet," Mia said and i give her a flat look. "Yes Nia, so just calm down and breath. This dress is making you cranky," Mag said causing me to smile.
"Speaking of dresses Aubrey! I love your dress, where did you get it?" Martha asks as she moves aside to go stand beside Aubrey.
"Oh yh uh my Mom bought it during one of her trips to Milan," she responded and we all gasped. "Milan?! Gosh i've always wanted to go there but my Mom said no," Bri said with a sad look. "Dont be sad, maybe this vacation we can go there? We have a house there so...," Aubrey said and we all squealed. "But i've to ask my Mom first cause she can be difficult at times," Martha says and Aubrey nods her head. "No prob," she answered back to her and Martha smiled. "Uh guys, lets go, we running late," Abby said as she together with Michelle, Mia, Brittany and Martha began walking away inside the main building. "Sure guys, lets go," Mag said as she and Aubrey also began walking away. I had to stay back cause i received a message from Austin.

Hubby: Have you arrived yet?
Me: yes, i'm right outside, i am coming in now.
Hubby: kk, make it snappy, i am going crazy without you. I am at the entrance
Me:😂😏 Okay, byee see ya❤
Hubby: sure love!

"Nia!!" Mag screamed my name and i almost immediately dropped my phone in my purse before hurrying along to catch up with them.
"What were you doing?" Mag asked and i shrugged. "Austin," i said and she shook her head before walking ahead of me.


There he was standing over there looking all hot in his black tuxedo. Gosh i am so lucky he is my boyfriend ooh!!!
"Stop drooling Nia!" Mag whisper yelled in my ear and i began blushing. "Whatever," i answered and she rolled her eyes at me.
The first person to notice us walking towards the main entrance was Lucas, all the others had their faces turned to the other side. I saw Lucas tap Austin and Asher as he said 'Dude, look your girl' causing Austin and Asher to turn.
Austin upon seeing me i think dropped his glass containing a cocktail drink i think as he made his way towards me. "Okay Nia, since your man is coming, me and the single girls are just gonna head straight inside okay?" Mia said to me and i nodded my head without actually paying attention to her as i my attention and focus was all on Austin Austin Austin! Who got nearer and nearer until he got to me.
"Remind me who your boyfriend is again? Cause i think that nigga is lucky to have you," he said as he kissed the back of my palm. "Be careful, my boyfriend is so damn possessive," i said to him and he chuckled as he hooked our arms together. "You look breath_taking babe," he said and i blushed. "You don't look bad yourself," i said and he smirked. "I've never looked bad, i am Austin Lewis and Austin Lewis can never look bad," he said and i rolled my eyes at him playfully. "Hey Lucas! You look amazing tonight," i say to Lucas as we hugged each other upon me and Austin reaching the entrance. "Oh My Nia!!! Your dress looks amazing on you!" He squealed as he stared at me up and down causing Austin to cough lightly. "Chill out dude," Lucas said and Austin glared at him. "Anyways, i've figured out a way to tell her," Lucas said and i stared at him in surprise. "Really?!" I yelled and he chuckled whiles nodding his head. "Gosh! How? Tell me," i say and he shakes his head. "Nah ah, wait till later," he said and i gave him a look.
"Guys, i'm right here, and who is the she?" Austin asks and almost instantly, me and Lucas shrugged. "You will find out when the time comes bro but now, lets go for party," Lucas said as he began walking inside. "Who is she?" Austin asks and i shrug as well. "I dont know," i say and he gives me a look before we continued walking inside....

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