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Nia's PoV. Saturday

So Lucas called me this morning to inform me that his Mom wanted to meet me. To say i am so nervous will be an understatement.
I am dead ass sweating like hell right now. For this reason is why i called Asher to join us.
We are currently on our way there and it seemed Lucas wanted to kill us before our time.

"Hey Lucas! Stop driving so fast man. You want to kill us or something?!" Asher screams at Lucas with fear in his voice as Lucas drove fast on the road with a speed of 100.
"Yeah Luc please reduce your speed. I just finished my finals and i wanna enjoy tonight so please please please reduce your speed," i beg with a pout and Asher also joins in and together we give Lucas the best puppy dog eyes in the world.
"Fine, i will reduce it," he says through gritted teeth and adjusts the speed back to forty. "Happy?" He asks and i smile. "Much better," i say and he glares at me from the mirror. He hated driving slowly.
"Just know when we get to My Mom's house late, its all your fault," he says as he glares at me and Asher but i could care less. I love my life.
"By the way Asher, where is your car? The red ferrari your brother got you for your birthday, i don't see it around again," i ask Asher and he sighs. "My Mom crashed it last month when she was out for shopping at Dior. I told her to repair it but she refused and just told me to knock it off. When i told my Dad, he seemed disinterested and i dare not tell my brother about this because he will give me a whole lecture on why i should never trust my Mom with a car," he explains and i just shake my head. "Well tell him its your Mom who broke it," i say and he sighs again. "I wish i could. He will ask me why i gave to her and say it was all my fault. But don't worry about that anymore because i am getting a new car," he says excitedly and i look at him with wide eyes.
"For real bro?" Lucas also asks with excitement. "For real man. Hailey surprised me last week with it. She said it was for completing final year even though i hadn't even started my exams," he explains. "But why didn't you bring it to school?" I ask him with a questioning face.
"Well, My Mom said no more driving until i am done with the exams. And since i am done, i can drive it now! I will flex with it on the day of the party!" He yells excitedly and i join him in it.
"We got a new car!" I yell excitedly and he stops yelling and turns to look at me.
"We?" He asks and i glare at him. "Wont i drive it or what? By the way which car is it?" I ask him. "Sure you can drive it. And its an Audi Q7. The latest version," he says and i gasp. "Shut up! Bro..!!" I yell and he laughs.
"Damn man, maybe i should crash this my Mercedes Benz and maybe my Mom will get me the newest rolls royce," Lucas jokes and we all laugh.
"Too bad my Mom says i will never get a car," i say sadly and Asher gives me sad eyes. "Why?" Lucas asks. "She claims i am too young," i say and Asher gives me a look of disbelief. "TF! You are like 20years old. I am 21 and i drive a car," Asher says and i sigh sadly. "Well explain that to my Mom. I hope she listens to you," i say sadly.
"You can always drive my car. That is if you can drive," Luc says and i look at him with wide eyes. "Seriously? Thank you Luc. You are the best. And i can drive. I learnt how to drive during the summer holidays. My Dad taught me," i say proudly and Lucas grins.
"You are welcome sweetheart," he says and i smile. "Aww you guys, now i am getting jealous," Asher fakes cry and roll my eyes at him. "Oh please quit it," i say and turn my head so i was facing the window.

Mia's PoV

"Hey Mom! I am home," i yell from the living room as i dump my bag on the couch.
"Oh Hi Mia, how was your outting?" Mom asks as she walks out of the kitchen. "It was perfect. What about your work? How was it?"  I ask her back. "Work was fine. Where is Nia?" She asks and i groan. "Can you please stop talking about her? Like seriously. Its annoying," i say with anger and Mom opens her mouth in shock.
"She is your twin sister Mia! You shouldn't speak about her like that. Speaking of which, we need to have a talk. I have been observing some things going on between you and Nia and i don't like it. Care to tell me what's going on?" My Mom asks with seriousness and i couldn't dare deny nor lie to her so i just decided to tell her the truth.
"Lets sit shall we?" I ask as i gesture towards the couch. She walks over and takes her seat and i also move and sit by her. "Okay, i will tell you everything. You remember Austin right?" I ask her and she nods her head. "Okay. He mistaken me for Nia and began talking to me. We became friends and things. During the party that uh.. Asher threw for Austin, Nia and Austin cleared things up and she told him she is Nia and they became friends. I was so against their friendship from the start but Margaret convinced me saying Nia wouldn't do anything of that sort which i was thinking, she also said she is a good person blah blah so i just trusted her around him.
As time went by, she became distant from as all and started spending time with the boys. Whenever we are going out for like a movie or something and we invite her, she always says no and that she is going somewhere with the boys.
I also began to notice her change in behavior when ever she was around Austin.
Like anytime she is with Austin she starts blushing and giggling. I got suspicious as to whether she is crushing on him so i asked her. And when i did, she said she doesn't know. That got me angry so i called her a bitch and we fought on it. We kicked her out of our group and made her so lonely. But Lucas stayed by her side and so did Austin and Asher. She became so close with Austin. So much so that Austin asked her to be his girlfriend and she said no. They should be friends first so he agreed. She even fought with Lucas cause of that.
Just a week to our finals, Martha asked me if i will be fighting for Austin and i told her i don't know yet. She suggested i should break them up by stealing Austin and so i did. During our first paper, i made sure i sat in the same class as Austin. While we were writing, he got up and went to the bathroom so i followed him inside. When i got in, i kissed him hard without a word. We then broke the kiss and i lied to him saying Nia loved Lucas. He just stared at me for a while and kissed me back....," As i narrated the story, i realised how cruel and mean we have been to Nia. I have never regretted something ever but with this one, i have.
But with the Austin issue, i do not feel guilty about it because he was mine from the start. Its just how we have been treating her that i feel guilty about.
By the time i was done with the whole story,  my Mom had tears in her eyes. Who could blame her? The story is heartbreaking.
"So do you regret it?" She asks as she dries up her tears with a piece of her dress.
"I do regret the part where we treated her badly. But i do not regret the part where i broke she and Austin up. Because he was mine in the first place," i explain to my Mom and she looks at me with pity.
"Put yourself in Nia's shoes. How would you feel if your boyfriend got stolen from you huh?" She asks me in a low and soft voice and i shrug. "I wouldn't feel anything. Because it hasn't happened to me," i reply back and she gasps.
"I don't know what has made you like this. What you fail to understand is that Austin chose her Mia. He chose her not you. Can't you just let them be happy? Okay so you succeeded in taking Austin right? What about Nia? Did you ever consider her all?!" She yells at me and that made me hurt. She always took Nia's side. "What about my feelings Mom! Don't they matter at all huh? All the freaking time you take Nia's side thinking i do not notice it but i do. All the time its always about Nia and Nia what about me?! Don't i deserve to be happy? Huh? I am not giving Austin up period!" I yell at her feeling hurt and she shakes her head sadly at me. "Do what ever you want now. But don't come crying when you regret it all," she says and stands up and walks upstairs to her room.
I just sat down there calming myself down and the words kept on replaying in my head.
I immediately get up and storm off into my bedroom which is the guest room by the way. 

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