30- Role of cupid.

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Jk is interested in knowing more about that boy. He has a hunch that it was his taehyung.

"When we reached the hospital, what we saw made us all speechless. That boy donated his blood to that children. When that boy woke up suddenly and crying for his hyung, he rushed towards that child and took him in his lap. He makes that child calmed down. That child was in so much pain that he can't stay silent. That boy sang a beautiful song for him, and magically that child forgot his pain, and sleep in his lap. I never saw a person that caring and loving another than your grandma in my life. That boy had not only a beautiful face but also a very kind heart."

"And that boy was my taehyung, right?" Jk is so sure about it.

Joon ho smile at his grandson's confidence, and nodded.

"Yes, he was taehyung. I was amazed by him and ask my fellow to know more about his life. We all stay outside the room not to disturb that injured child from his much-needed sleep. I instructed the hospital staff to take care of that child, our trustee was taking care of the amount needed for his treatment. But my mind is filled up with that pure soul. I don't know why but he reminds me of your grandma. Not looks-wise of course but nature wise."

"My taetae have this effect on everyone." Jk looks so prideful.

"Indeed. That's the reason I want to meet him again. I asked the staff about his normal routine at that center and they inform me he visited every Saturday. I was also visiting the center on the same day, to find him play with the kids, sing and dance with them and even hugging everyone like his own child. I was impressed with his nature and his personality. I want you to meet him. Maybe he could change you to be a better person. I always wish you could be like him. And you know? Once he also saved me."

"Saved you!?? Means?"

"I was about to trip on the stairs when he caught me on the time."

"But where the hell were your guards and security? How can they be that careless?"

"Relax boy. I was distinguish myself in casual wear and fake glasses. I didn't want my visit to be public news for media."


"Do you want to know, why I suddenly choose that girl on the magazine cover for you? I follow my intuition. That girl's face reminds me of taehyung and the most coincidental thing was they both have a mole on their cheek and neck, at the same place too!!" Joon ho reveals the main point finally, and successfully distracting jk's mind too.

Jk is a surprise to hear it.

"And how do you know about this details grandpa!?"

"Because of the same accident. When he caught me, I got his clear closer look, and that thing can easily be memorized you know?" Joon ho chuckle on jk's interrogation.

"So you know that cinderella girl is tae!?" Jk don't believe his grandpa.

"No, not at all. I thought she may be a twin of taehyung. Anyways, I was ready to take this risk. If she really is a relative of taehyung, it's a fair chance you could be meet taehyung too. I know if you met him once, your life gonna be change. I want his positive influence on you. That's why I took that risk."

"You already know I would choose a boy over a girl!?"

"I know you are bisexual, and it really doesn't matter to me, whom you gonna married. A boy like taehyung is far better than a sly girl like jisoo and even your mother."

"And what happened if I choose a girl for marriage? You forced me for that right?" Jk raised his eyebrows to his grandpa.

"If that what you want, I will give it to you. I accept your partner in hope that it's for your benefit. I would never force you jungkook. I did it once to your father but I didn't want to ruin your life."

I'm not your Cinderella.( Taekook ff)✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz