The Revolt Begins

Start from the beginning


"Bring Lyra to me at once! That wench!" Grimmond shouted as he walked outside his room.

I sense there's something in the wind. She's no ordinary woman.

Taking the captured elf, Mirialia led him to the tunnel. They encountered several guards but with the help of her friends, Gwath, Liath, and Cielo, they were able to get through. Gwath sent the last batch of the guards smashed to the wall.

"That's a powerful one." the queen complimented.

"Oh that's the Highwind, my lady." Cielo said. "Gwath was the first one to master it."

During the past years, Gwath was considered the weakest of all the five fairies. This led him to persevere more, and prove to the fairy world that he was not weak. Getting encouragement and support from his friends, he was able to master a power called Highwind. Small but strong tornado-shaped winds that could tear huts and small houses.

"Great job, bro!" Liath said out loud, seeing the unconscious guards on the floor.

"Thanks bro!" the spiky-haired Gwath grinned widely.

Opening the door of the tunnel, Fionn greeted them.

"Hello Lord Gilion!" her tiny voice said.

"My lady, here are your blades. I made sure they were kept hidden." she said to the queen.

"Oh, very good Fionn." Mirialia smiled. "Thank you."

"They're sylphs." Gilion murmured in disbelief.

"Yes. Listen, Gilion. Once you've reached the end of this tunnel, you must give the signal to the rebels outside." Mirialia explained.

"I understand, but my lady, the scroll was taken from us." the other replied.

"I will get it. Go now." was all she said before the entrance closed.

Holding firmly on her blades, the sylphs guided her to the weapons room. Seeing the men at work, Mirialia said the code out loud.

"The defiance!"

The men stopped and stared at her. She waited for a few seconds for a response. Diuval informed her about their secret codes, and she would supposed to hear an answer. One man finally stepped forward.

"The last white fire!" he shouted and raised his fist in the air.

The others shouted as well, confirming they were rebels.

"It is time." she said.

"What is Diuval's order?" one of them asked.

"Help me get through the vault." the queen answered.

Grabbing their weapons, they led her to the place. Forty-six men equipped with armor and swords, they fought the guards strongly. Soon, other rebels in disguise joined them, making a total of two hundred.

The rebellion began inside the House.


With all his remaining strength, Gilion arrived at the hideout. The men helped him and brought to Diuval.

"So it has begun," Diuval muttered under his breath.

"If you have more rebels inside, they should help the woman." Gilion said.

"Do not worry, mellon nin." Lenneth told him. "They will help her."

Just then, two men came in. Nervousness could be seen on their faces.

"Diuval," one of them said.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Uh..our place is being elves."

He stood up from his seat, eyes widened in shock. Glorfindel and Lenneth exchanged glances, while Gilion looked at them confusingly.

"Our kin? Are they my people?" he queried.

"We are not sure." the man said.

"It might have been him." Glorfindel nodded Lenneth.

"Who's him?" Diuval asked.

Glorfindel sighed. "Let's go outside."

The two elves, together with Diuval walked outside. They were greeted with elves clad in gold armor and helmet.

"Yes, it's him." Lenneth whispered nervously.

Mounted on his elk, the Elvenking marched towards them. Diuval stared in awe and bowed before him.

"Thranduil, King of Greenwood." he greeted.

The king nodded slightly but his gaze landed on Glorfindel, then to Lenneth.

"You might want to explain everything to me...Lenneth." Thranduil said sharply.

" lord." Lenneth bit her lip.

"Set aside your anger, Thranduil." Glorfindel interrupted. "The revolt has begun."

"Galion are leading my soldiers to Carantheas. I trust that the land will be retrieved before sunset." Thranduil informed.

"Well, isn't that a good timing?" Glorfindel smirked.

"Is that the reason why you are here, my lord?" Diuval asked him.

"No," the Elvenking answered. "I'm here to aid your group to Heselon. Your men are not enough."

"I thank you for your assistance." Diuval replied.

Thranduil stared at the two elves.

"And I will reclaim my wife."


A message I received from a reader:
"@fcb_neymarzete: No prob ur book is definitely one of the best ever. I'm sure if Tolkien were alive even he'd be proud of ur work. Keep it up! Luv ur work!"

Well, that moved me to tears. However, I don't think Tolkien would be happy since this story had strayed so far from the book and it didn't follow majority of the canon story and timeline. But thank you so much, that was heartwarming.

To the people sending me messages, a lot of thanks to you. I dedicate this chapter to Annabanana2895. You are so kind. ^_^

If you are an Elrond fan, you might want to check out shadowspinner's Shadows Of Twilight. It's an Elrond/Celebrian story. Another wonderful tale.

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