Chapter 20. Found Safe

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     Meanwhile, Ferris and the police force started a perimeter to search for the missing teens who were last seen trying to escape Phoenix the Demon and Haze the Smoke Monster. They were able to find tire tracks from Eric's car. They later found the totaled vehicle in the creek where they've left it. "Sir!" Smith said to Bain. "I found their car!" Bain investigates around the Camaro. "Where are they?" Asked Smith. "They've must have abandoned the vehicle." Said Bain. He noticed footprints in the muddy ground. It appeared to be from the shoes of the high school students. "It looks like they've all went this way." Bain continued. They all follow the tracks hoping that nothing terrible had happened to them. They had made it to the same abandoned laboratory that the teens came across. Ferris immediately recognized the building. "That's the lab I used to work at before the new lab was built." He said. "This is where all the monsters were created." "The tracks lead inside." Said Bain. "They've been here." They open the front door and walked inside. The police officers turned on their flashlights so they could see better. They could still see the muddy footprints on the floor. They suddenly found all of the high school students in one of the rooms. Smith was happy to see his younger sister unharmed. "Casey!" He said. Casey turns around and she too was happy to see her brother. "Billy?!" She said with excitement. She runs and gives her brother a hug. "Oh thank God you're alright!" Said Smith. "I thought that thing got you!" "Hey Billy." Said Casey. "We found him." Smith was confused for a moment. "Found who?" He asked. "The long eared monster!" Said Casey. Maxwell, Bain, and Ferris overheard what she said and walked straight to her and Smith. "Where?" Asked Bain. "He was just here!" Said Casey. "I captured him on my phone!" She shows him the new video of Taren and the police became cautious. "How long has it been since this video was taken?" Asked Maxwell. Eric notices Maxwell with the police. "What are you doing here Mr. Maxwell?" He asked. "How long?" Asked Bain. "About 20 minutes ago." Said Eric. "He's still here." Said Ferris. "How can you be sure?" Asked Bain. "I know Taren more than anyone else here." The teens were completely lost of what the science professor was saying. "Who's Taren?" Asked Cody. "The monster on this young lady's phone." Ferris said pointing at Casey. "Where did he go?" "He went into that dark tunnel." Eric said pointing. Ferris walks closer to the tunnel. He tries calling for Taren to appear into the room again. "Taren!" He said. "If you're still here, this is Dr. Ferris Volkof! I want you to come back here! Understand?" Everyone behind him stood nervously waiting for a response. Suddenly, they hear Taren's call and he walks back into the room with everyone else. "Oh my god!" Bain whispered to himself with amazement. Taren looks at Ferris and starts smiling at him. "My." Said Maxwell, approaching next to Ferris. "Look how big you've grown." Taren recognizes Maxwell, and rubbs his large head against him. "Its good to see you too old friend." He continued. Everyone was amazed by the beast's behavior. "I don't believe this." Said Bain.

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