Chapter 18. The Abandoned Laboratory

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     Two hours later, back in the wilderness, its 10pm. The high school students abandoned the Camaro and went through the woods to try to find their way back home. "Cody." Said Eric. "Do you have any idea where we are?" "I hate to say it," said Cody. "But I've never been through this part of the woods before." "Oh we're lost aren't we?" Said Angela getting scared. "I'm sure we can find our way outta here." Said Casey. "Right?" They suddenly stumbled across an old building. "I wonder if anyone's here?" Asked Cody. "I don't know." Said Eric. "It looks abandoned." They go to the front door of the building and look through the window. Everything inside looked old and abandoned. "I think you're right." Said Cody. "Its abandoned." Eric turns the doorknob to try to get inside. It turns out that the door wasn't locked and he slowly opens the door. "There's no way I'm going in there!" Said Casey. "Alright." Said Eric. "Stay out here and wait for that demon or smoke monster to come and get ya." Casey has second thoughts and decides to follow the rest into the building. "On second thought," she said. "It looks kinda nice in here." All four of the teens walk down the hall of the abandoned building. Eric finds an old flashlight and turns it on so that everyone could see where they were going. "Why are you wanting to come in here anyway?" Asked Cody. "I'm just looking around." Said Eric. They walk around in the building and found a place to sit down. "When can we go home ?" Asked Casey. "Well I'd just thought we rest our feet for a little bit."said Eric. "Besides, Angela needs to rest before she has another asthma attack." He looks around in the building once more. "I wonder what this place was?" He continued. "I've never seen it before." "It looks like it hasn't been open in years whatever it was." Said Cody. Casey finds an old dusty glass beacker lying on the floor. "Was this the old science lab?" She asked. "I've heard that there used to be one in Sammyville before it closed and moved somewhere else." "It could be possible." Said Eric. Angela wonders off a few ways down the hall and noticed something unusual on the floor. "Hey guys?" She said."What is it Sis?" Asked Eric. "I think I've found something!" Said Angela. Angela had discovered a set of large, muddy footprints in the hallway.

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