Chapter 3. The Report

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     Meanwhile, at the Sammyville Police Department, Someone begins pounding on Sheriff Ronald Bain's office door while he was trying to rest his eyes. He answers the door and officer Smith rushes into his office holding a laptop computer in his hands. "Boy." Said Bain rubbing his face. "You better have a real good reason why you're banging on my door like that." "Oh I'm very sorry sir!" Said Smith. "I-I have something you need to see. Its something I saw last night while I was one my shift." Smith tries to stay calm. "What's the matter with ya?" Said Bain with confusion. "You look like you've seen a ghost." "I-I don't know what I saw." Said Smith. He opens the laptop and sits it on Bain's desk. "Here. I'm just gonna have to show ya." "Hurry up." Said Bain. "I ain't got all day." Smith pulls up the video that was recorded from the dashcam of his patrol car. "Okay." He said. "This was my dashcam. Right?" "I don't know." Said Bain. "You tell me." "Something shakes my car." Said Smith. "So I get out to check it out. Then, I get my taser out, I panicked, and tased it." Bain had no idea what Smith was talking about. "Tased what?" He asked. "Watch and you will see." Said Smith. They both look at the video and saw the purple lightning bolt flashing across the screen. "What was that?" Asked Bain. Suddenly, they see the monster Smith saw that night appear in the footage. "It was THAT!" said Smith. Bain couldn't believe his own eyes. "Play that again." He said. Smith backs the video a bit and plays the part where the monster appeared again. "Is this real?" Bain asked. "Sir I'm telling you it is as real as it gets!" Suddenly, Bain grabs Smith's uniform tightly and presses him down on his desk. "Stupid kid!" He yelled. "Why didn't you report this!" Smith looks back at him with fear in his eyes. "I-It scared me sir!" He said. "I-I didn't know how I was gonna explain it to you!" "It scared you?" Said Bain with anger. "It SCARED you?" You was supposed to report this kinda stuff as soon as it happens! Where's your head at?" Bain calms down and let's go of his deputy. "Okay." Bain continued with a calmer tone of voice. "Here is what I want you to do. I want you to go to the meeting room and wait there. I'm gonna call in all the officers to go in there too. "Yes sir." Said Smith brushing his uniform. "This is gonna be a long day." Said Bain as he stares at the video that was paused on the monster.

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