Chapter 16. Myths in Reality

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     Thankfully, the creek was very shallow. The teens took a hard impact, but they were okay. However, Eric's Camaro was totaled. "Everyone okay?" Asked  Eric. They could all hear the growling of the smoke monster coming closer to them. "Turn off the lights!" Casey said softly. Eric turns off the lights on his car hoping that the monster wouldn't see them. The monster never noticed them in the dark creek, so it went on away from everyone. "It tried to kill us!" Said Casey. "Whatever these things are, they tried to kill us!" Eric and Cody look at Eric's car. "I'm sorry about your ride man." Said Cody. "Its alright." Said Eric. "I have insurance for it." He faces everyone. "We cannot stay here." He continued. "These creatures can come back." "What about my brother?" Asked Casey. "You're brother is fine." Said Eric. "Now that he's with the police again." Meanwhile, the demon leaves the field with Maxwell and the police with no transportation. Not long after, the fire department arrived and took care of the fire in the woods before it got out of hand. Nobody was seriously hurt from the demon's attacks. Bain was trying to think of what to do next about the situation. He walks to Carl Maxwell. "Well." He said. "What now?" Maxwell looks at the ground with disbelief. "I don't know son." He said. "Did you know anything about those two?" Asked Bain. "No." Said Maxwell. "I've never seen them before." "So we now have three of these dangerous creatures around here somewhere." Said Bain. "Taren isn't dangerous." Said Maxwell. "He may not be dangerous to you," said Bain. "But what about the rest of us?" "He did nothing to your youngest deputy." Said Maxwell. "He hit him with his taser and still did no harm to him." "If only I had something to drive I'd go chase them all myself!" Said Bain. "You can't fight them all alone." Said Maxwell. "You know that." Suddenly, a van pulls up in the field where the police officers were. It stops near them and an old man with a cane gets out of the passenger side of the van and walks up to Bain and Maxwell. "Hello." Said the man. "Who are you?" Asked Bain. "You must have not gotten my message." Said the man. "I am Dr. Ferris Volkof. Semi retired scientists experimenter." Bain remembers the Email that was sent to the police back at the high school. "Okay doctor." He said. "You say you know everything about these creatures roaming around here?" "Yes." Said Ferris. "I will gladly tell you everything you need to know about these beastly creatures. Step into my van. There is a place I need to take you to to explain everything to you."

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