Chapter 15. The Smoke Monster

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     Smith quickly gets out of Eric's car to help the rest of the police. "You guys need to get out of here!" He said. "Go!" The demon notices them and fires his flame powers at the Camaro. "Let's get out of here!" Yelled Angela. Eric quickly pulls the car into reverse and drives away from the blaze. The demon had set the woods in a ring of fire. Suddenly in the smoke, three dark holes appear and Bain notices. "What the-?" He said. A gigantic smoke monster was formed by the smoke from the fire. The demon points at the monster and then points towards the direction where the Camaro went. The smoke monster follows them back into the woods. "Sir!" Said Smith as he finally made it back to Bain. "Its after those kids! My sister is one of them!" Bain looks at Smith's burn marks on his face. "What happened to you?" He asked. "I'll explain later." Said Smith. "We need help them!" "I would kid!" Said Bain. "But all of our cars are totaled! What is that thing? And why did it look like you?" "I don't know sir!" Said Smith. "It locked me in the closet at the school!" "Then it looks like we have more to deal with than we thought." Said Bain. "What about those kids?" Asked Smith. "There's nothing we can do about them right now!" Said Bain. "This thing is putting too much pressure on us!" Meanwhile, Eric drives down the dirt road to escape the demon. "We should help them!" Said Casey. "We've done all we could do." Said Eric. "Besides, what could we do? There's no way we can stop that thing." Meanwhile, Cody looks through the back windshield and notices the smoke monster coming their way. "You might need to floor it man." He said to Eric. Eric looks in the rearview mirror and notices the monster. "Oh my god!" He said. "Hold on!" He presses hard on the gas to attempt to escape the smoke monster. "What is that thing?" Casey screamed. "I don't know," said Eric. "But I don't wanna stick around to find out!" He puts the Camaro in high gear hoping that he can escape. However the smoke monster was catching up fast. It got close enough to bang its massive fist on the back of the car, almost causing Eric to lose control. He makes a hard turn into the trees. "What are you doing! Yelled Angela. "I'm trying to shake it!" They take a hard bumpy ride into the woods. Eric tries hard to keep the car steady, but the bumps, treeroots and broken limbs made it difficult for him to drive through in a high rate of speed. Suddenly, he noticed a steep creek and he was about to crash into it. "Hit the brakes bro!" Yelled Cody. Eric did all he could to stop the car, but the ground was too wet and slippery. The car hydroplaned nose first into the creek. It takes a hard hit in the front.

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