Chapter 8. Searching for the Monster

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     Bain, Smith, and the rest of the police officers who were not at the school, went driving around all over Sammyville in separate patrol cars to try to find the monster. Meanwhile, Maxwell grabs his keys and sneaks to his car, hoping that the police don't catch him on the streets. He drives out of the school parking lot. He takes a path that leads into the woods. Police were everywhere and Maxwell was doing everything he could to not get caught. The wooden area was the best way to get to where he was wanting to go. Not long after, he arrives to an old house trailer that was located deep in the woods. He gets out of his car and goes to the front door of the house. He pulls out a key and unlocks the door. Which meant that the house was where he lived. Maxwell goes inside and sits down in his chair. "I wonder why he's back." Meanwhile, Bain and Smith still continue to search for the long eared monster. "Sir." Said Smith. "What is it?" Asked Bain. "Even if we find this thing," said Smith. "How do you plan to bring it back alive?" "Don't worry," said Bain. "I'll think of something." He rubs the back of his neck. "I mean, I don't plan on killing it unless it attacks one of us. If we capture this creature, I'm planning on taking it to the lab down town to help identify what it is." "Well, you see sir," said Smith. "I don't think identifying the beast is gonna help us with anything." Bain confusingly looks at Bain. "What do you mean?" He asked. Smith slowly turns his head and looks at Bain with a weird smile on his face. "Cause it's an unknown monster." He said. "Last night, he just vanished." Bain was getting freaked out by Smith's mood swings. "Why are you acting so weird right now?" He asked. "Oh I'm sorry." Said Smith. Bain approaches another patrol that was pulled over with the lights on. Then the officer from that car notices Bain then waves his arms to have him to pull over. Bain parks his car behind the other and then him and Smith gets out to see what the other officer wanted. "What is it?" Bain asked him. "I've found something!" Said the officer. They follow the officer to have him to show them what he had found. "They're quite large," said the officer. "But are those paw prints?" Bain gets a closer look. "They sure look like it." He said. "Looks like they lead into the woods. That could be where it stays.  We're goin in. Smith. I want you to go back to the car and get some gear. " "Why can't we just use the old dirt road?" Asked the officer. "Have you seen his ears?" Asked Bain. "It can probably hear miles away. I have a plan to try to hunt this thing down like we're hunting deer or something. Except I want it alive. So we will be using a tranquilizer." "Sounds good to me sir." Said the officer. "I hunt with my dad all the time on the weekends." "Then shut up and come on." Said Bain. The three policemen go into the wilderness with their gear.

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