A Sister's Requiem

Start from the beginning

"But I know my son, something must have pushed him far enough to kill himself." She whispers to her green haired friend with knowing.

A flashback is shown to a funeral venue. A black coffins halfly open to show a nonmoving blond resting inside. The Bakugou family crying while Toga sits closely to the two adults trying to console them while she does her best to hold back her own tears.

Near the casket, closer, is Izuku who is in tears as he nearly throw a himself over the thing. His mother, Inko, trying to comfort him the best she can while she cries as well for the loss.


The Izuku in the audience, as emotional as he is, starts to shed a few tears of his own. He couldn't imagine his childhood friend dying. He couldn't for the life of him.

Iida and Uraraka at his sides trying to comfort him quietly.

It goes back to the present time where Mitsuki moves to her son's bed to sit on with a heavy sigh. "Everything wasted, nothing to say... So I can sing no requiem."

Quickly it changes over to Masaru in what looks to be the master bedroom he shares with his wife. "I hear your voice, I feel you near." In his own hands he's also holding a letter as well like Himiko. "Within these words, I finally find you."

Masaru hums as his other self sings in a lighter tune.

Kirishima is shown in another flashback. Handing him a small box of letters to him with a sad smile.

Masaru later opening them and scanning the words with a fond smile.

"And now that I know that you are still here~ I will sing no requiem tonight."

The audience goes back to Himiko sitting on the couch in the living room. Her expression didn't change from before. Katsuki's photo now sitting on the low coffee table in front of her.

"Why should I have a heavy heart?" Mitsuki and Toga's voices overlap as if talking with the teen.

Again, this time with Masaru, Toga questions with him. "Why should I say, I'll keep you with me?"

Her eyes look down on his picture with accusing and pointing stare. "Why should I go and fall apart for you?"

"I mean you really don't have to," Toga says in her seat gently.

Yet a cord is struck with her as she lives with a family in that world. She had not been uncomfortable but more accepted seeing as she had not left the Bakugou Family there.

Toga-chan gets up quickly and walks back down the hallway. "Why?!~" She questions. "Should I play the grieving girl and lie! Saying that I miss you!~"

A faint image of Mitsuki follows her as the teen hugs herself tightly. "And that my world has gone dark without your light?" Their voices mingling together in tune.

"I can see your light~" Masaru is heard singing lightly as she passes by.

Toga enter her room and slams the door behind her hard. "I will sing no requiem, tonight."

"She seems to have a strong resolve about this," Tokoyami says to no one partial about his comment.

Hakagure hums as she taps at her cheek. "It seems like she's trying to deny any recognition of her brother's death."

"'Cause when the villains fall~, the kingdoms never weep." She crushes the letter in her hands, crumpling them into a ball. Her form leaning back against her door with crosses arms with an angry look. "No one lights a candle to remember..."

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