One wild ride

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“Can't this piece of shit wagon go any faster?” Bakugo complained from the back. “I can walk faster than this.”

“We may be in a hurry Bakugo but we can't afford careless mistakes.” Todoroki told him riding wide by side the wagon atop his own horse. 

“We're making one right now by taking our sweet ass time.” He grit his teeth in frustration. “Damn this is so fucking irritating. Why the hell do I have to sit and wait in this stupid cart when I could be miles ahead of you by now? I can rescue Usagi just fine all on my own.”

“So says the one who lost to her in the tournament…” Sero muttered and Bakugo's temple throbbed and he jumped up in place and stood on the wagon.

“I heard that, flat face! You wanna go, then let's go! In fact i'll take you all on!” He mocked rolling up his sleeves and explosions popped along his skin.

“Stop with the explosions Bakugo, you're spooking the horses.” Kirishima tried to call the situation down.

“Bakugo…” Shoto spoke up suddenly and Bakugo turned his rage face back to him.


“How did you and Izumi meet?” He asked suddenly and strangely calm.

“Hah? Why the hell should I tell you?”

“Just curious is all. Dagohban’s don't normally allow outsiders but Izumi seems to be a special case.” Truth be told he wanted to divert the conversation so Bakugo wouldn't explode and send the horses into a fretful gallop.

“Tch…” He crossed his arms and sat back down. “I caught her in a trap.”

“A trap?” This from Ochaco who took an interest in the story. 

“Oh yeah I remember that!” Kirishima stated and looked to Sero before both started snickering. Bakugo's spine tingled and he went completely rigid.

“What's so funny?” Ochaco wanted to know.

“Sero and I were both there when we all met Midoriya for the first time. Let's just say it was an interesting first meeting.”


“Ow that hurts! I told you I'm not a pet! Let me go!” Little Izumi hobbled behind the small pack of boys pouting. They'd tied her wrists together and Bakugo was now pulling her alone like a dog on a leash. 

“Ne, Katsuki, do you really think your parents will let you keep her? I mean She's not an animal she's an outsider.”

“A pet is a pet. I caught her, so she's mine!” He stopped but yanked Izumi to him. “Geez you're slow, Usagi.” He picked her up despite his small size and made her squeak.

“Kya! Put me down! This isn't funny!” She wiggled and landed on the ground with an oof. “Ow! Why do you have to be so mean Kacchan?”

“Ka-” Bakugo flushed a little as the guys snickered. “The hell did you just call me?”

“Kacchan… your name is Katsuki right?” She blinked her big green eyes at him. “It's a nickname I just made up.” She giggled at his embarrassed expression, her smile bright and lighting up her whole face. “I think it suits you.”

The smile and giggle had Bakugo going beat red and he tried to get words to come out but couldn't.

“Wow… I've never seen you turn that color, Kaaaaaaaachan.” Sero teased with a snicker.

“Or that tongue tied. Has the almighty prince Bakugo actually met his match?” Kirishima wondered.

“Shut up! Don't call me that!” Bakugo whirled on the two of them. While his back was turned and his focus preoccupied Izumi started to work the vines off her hands. She smiled as they came loose and she stood up dusting herself off. 

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