Training and Researching

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“You are a disgrace!” Endeavor screamed in fury. “After everything I’ve taught you, everything I’ve done for you, you’re gonna drive this country into the ground over some woman!”

“I’m not doing this for Midoriya, I’m doing this for everyone. This is a problem that revolves around no only us but every kingdom in the world.” Shoto told him adjusting his gloves. “I’m addressing the issue at hand and taking action, as you’ve taught me to.”  

“So says the King…” Touya said with a cocky smile to his old man. 

 “I don’t know where Shoto dug you up but if you think I’ll…” Endeavor started to retort but choked on air when Dabi’s sword pressed to his neck. 

“I just saved your life and that’s how you’re gonna talk to me? If you’re that eager to die I can kill you myself. I’m a mercenary now, it’s what I do.” Touya’s eyes glinted with murderous intent. “After everything you put me and mother through I should string you up in the town square… but I’ve plenty of time to exact my revenge on you, you washed up old fool.” 

“Shoto are you gonna let him..” Endeavor looked at his son with wide eyed fury. 

“Silence.” Shoto scowled. “I was willing to grant your request to die… but in light of Touya’s wise judgement I’ve decided to let you live. You’re not banished, nor are you stripped of any title.” He held his hand out spreading his fingers as if to cover his whole face.  “Instead you’ll be one of my messengers. Take a small party of guards with you and travel to the various other kingdoms and tell them of the upcoming threat. We need to rally more people to the battlefield in the Shadowlands.” 

“You’re making me your delivery boy?” Endeavor sneered. “Just who do you think you you’re talking to? I’ve ruled this kingdom for over thirty years!” 

“Not anymore. I am King now, and unless you do as I ask you can spend the rest of your days on the farmlands wrists deep in dirt and actually doing good for a change.” Shoto let ice form in his palm threatening to freeze him solid. “I’m sure Mrs. Midoriya would appreciate the extra set of hands.” 

“Tch…” He stood up shaking off the guards who flanked him. “If you’re so anxious to ride our troops to their death fine… but if you expect any of the other kingdoms to fall in line, you put too much faith in their cooperation. I lead this kingdom by example and I can assure you these monarchs put themselves first.” 

“That may be, but unless you ask for help you’ll never receive it. At least this way they’ll be aware of the dangers and can prepare themselves for the effects of what’s to come.” Shoto turned his back on his father. “Now go… you’ve only a few months before the battle begins. I suggest you ride swiftly.” 

Endeavor clicked his tongue and he whirled out the room storming through the doors. 

“Are you sure we should be entrusting him with this? He may just make matters worse.” Touya pointed out. He watched Shoto approach the throne, stroking fingers along the old wood. “He may downsize the problem to make you look bad.” 

“Those kingdoms he spoke of know exactly who and how he is. If they want to believe him then they’re as short sighted as he claims they are.” He took a seat and felt both conflicted and empowered. “Touya, my hands are going to be tied here for a time so I’ve a request of you, if you’re willing.” 

“Not gonna behead me for returning against my banishment?” He asked teasingly. 

“No, I’m removing your banishment, and asking you to take charge of the training as the General of my troops.” He told him soberly never missing a beat.  Everyone in the room looked at him with surprise. 

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