The Rightful King

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The ride back to Tattooin had been uneventful. Izumi had taken the time to write a letter to Tokoyami explaining about the prophecy, and their plan to rid the world of Nomu for good. She implored to Queen Katana as well to send riders out to other kingdoms so that they could start gathering allies for the upcoming battle. 

“You won't be able to come to the castle with me.” Shoto explained with a sober face. “With your banishment still in place one step onto the grounds will get you arrested.”

“I understand...I wish I could be there to cheer you on though.” She dismounted from his horse, Bakugo already there lifting her by the hips to secure her down. “Do you know how to get to the Dagohban encampment from here?”

“Ah, but I could use a guide if you wouldn't mind lending me one of your men, Bakugo.”

“Dunce Face,” he nodded his head to Kaminari. “Go with him.” 

“Whatever you say, oh exalted one.” Kaminari saluted and grunted when Iida pulled him to the wagon. 

“If you’re stepping before the king you'll need proper garments. I've just the thing.”

“Wha, hey let go, ow!” Kaminari complained as Iida outfitted him. 

Izumi laughed and she glanced back at Bakugo. 

“Kacchan… could you leave us alone for a few minutes?” 

“Ha? No way!” 

“Please?” She took his hands looking in his eyes with an affectionate pleading look. “Just give us a few minutes. I promise I won’t run away.” 

“Tch…” he looked at their hands and then into her eyes. “Fine… you have five minutes and then we’re leaving.” 

She nodded and bid Shoto to follow her. He dismounted his mare and walked after her the two of them going into the shadow of the trees to be alone. 

“What is it, Izumi?” Shoto asked, unsettled by the privacy. 

“This…” she pulled out her necklace with the red fang, and laying beside it was the engagement ring he’d presented to her. Shoto looked at it and reached out stroking the gem. 

“You’re giving it back to me?” 

“I never gave you an answer… I didn’t get the chance to say anything at all before we were attacked. Then Kacchan showed up and everything’s been kinda muddled.” She took it and clasped it between both her hands. “I was going to say yes.” 

Shoto’s eyes went wide with shock.. But then hurt filled them. 


“I’m sorry, but I’m all kinds of confused Shoto.” She pressed her palms to her lips eyes shut tightly as her heart painfully rolled around in her chest. “Both you and Kacchan mean so much to me. You in particular have been nothing but kind and patient with me. You stood by me when my world was crashing down on my shoulders and you gave me comfort when I needed it most. I don’t know what to do.” 

“Izumi…” He took her hands in his and brought them to his lips. “I’m sorry. I’ve put you in this predicament by shoving my feelings onto you. I never meant to do such a thing.”  He watched her shake her head but he kissed her fingers again. “It’s true. I was so desperate to make you forget about Bakugo, and feel affection towards me that I ignored your feelings. I’m truly sorry.” 

“You’re not selfish, Shoto. I’m the selfish one. I’m the one who should be apologizing. I’ve been so hesitant and unsure of myself.” She stepped closer to him laying her head on his shoulder. “All I know is I don’t want to say goodbye or have you hate me because I care so much about you!” 

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