Chapter 9

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Everyone was inside Carl's house planning their next move. The phoenix had become Sol's official guardian and granted him an ability which was not the greatest, but to a non-magic user like him it was pretty sweet.

"I think we should leave this place for now." said Sol, looking towards Cynthia and then slowly turning toward the kids with a worried expression.

"But is it really safe to go into the forest with the kids?"  Cynthia asked.

"We have to make it to the Calypso kingdom as fast as possible"

If they make it to the Calypso kingdom, the kids could stay there for a while in safety and they also had to meet up with Arthur, there was a long journey ahead of them.

"maybe there are other survivors around here," Cynthia said

Sol glanced at the surrounding corpses, and Cynthia followed his gaze, "Sorry, I was a bit hasty."

The door broke down, and a flaming bird entered the scene. Everyone tuned towards the bird at once,

"There is a barrier all around the village," said the phoenix

Everyone ran outside to examine the barrier, Sol tapped the air as he walked and soon felt the invisible barrier. Cynthia tried to cast a spell, but that didn't work

"We need something more powerful," said Cynthia

"Aaron, try using your skill" Sol said hopefully that it will work.

Aaron looked confused

"Try yelling status," Cynthia said

the little boy understood what they meant and yelled for the status bar



phy: 7     speed: 10    magic: 17


thorny rose (lv:1)


Sol felt betrayed when he saw that a child had better stats than him. He didn't know what to say.

"I have something called 'thorny rose' but how am I supposed to use it?"

"just think about using it" Sol said, kneeling down in front of the child.

The boy closed his eyes. A rose vine sprout from the ground and pierced the barrier, ripping it apart, creating a small doorway enough to crawl out.

All the kids, Cynthia and Sol, crawled out as the phoenix happily flew outside from the hole.

Gods and demons are not allowed to tamper with the scenarios directly, however they can help humans using their auras to guide them and give them special abilities. 

No one could believe the destruction below them, but what bewildered them most was the fact that they were in the air. The entire mist village was floating in the air.

"You humans are so impatient, couldn't you wait until I give you the next scenario," the stag seemed angry as he floated over a half-built bridge connecting the village to the ground

he continued, "since you are here anyway, lets begin the scenario."


Scenario: Escape from the floating island

Difficulty: E

Reward: 100 coins

Faluire: ???


100 coins were alot, 1000 gold in this world was only 1 coin.

'This asshole' Sol thought as he tried to comprehend the situation

All the corpses in the village suddenly transformed into zombies and slowly come towards them.

"We should run towards the bridge, with our speed I think we can make it." said Sol and everyone ran towards the bridge.

Cynthia cast a spell, and a bright light blinded the zombies, slowing them down temporarily. The kids were up front and Cynthia heeled them behind. As they moved closer to the bridge, a monstrous boar started chewing on the bridge.

"Brother Sol, the bridge.... its breaking," said Everret, one of the three children.

"Head back, we can't cross it"

[Senario difficulty has been adjusted E->D]

everyone turned towards the stag Zeref fuming

He calmly replied "You guys were being impatient so be it"

"sorry I am late," it was another stag, this time it was a red one. "I am Benigno, you can refer to me as Bene and I am also a stag who takes care of the senarios, Zeref I can't belive you made a mess again??? Why do I always have to clean up your messes"

Bene raised his hand towards the bridge, and a thin golden sheet appeared connecting the bridge to the land below.

"Here now you guys can leave, but only 4 of you can go together," said Bene gesturing to the bridge.

Everyone looked towards each other. Sol kind of had a plan, but he wasn't really sure if it would work out.

Sol and Cynthia looked at each other in the eye and trembled. One of them was going to die.


<Sorry guys for not updating for a while I had huge test last Sunday and it was crazy. If you have any intresting take on the story please comment down below and don't forget to vote. Thank you for reading>

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