Chapter 6: Slave trade fiasco

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Sol clenched his hands, and his face flushed. The handcuffs rattled as he moved his hands and he winced and the metal dug into his skin. A wooden smelled filled the air as an unconscious Flynn and a lady lie on the dark wooden floor, both of them cuffed with magic suppressing cuffs. And a masked man whipped an old man who defied him.

a bit earlier:

It has been 5 days, and the capital of Sebet finally raised above water. The barrier on the city was so strong that the prince couldn't teleport outside, and when they finally got their chance they quickly set off to the Calypso kingdom.

Their journey stopped as soon as it began, as a group of nasty looking people stopped them from going any further.

"These guys look good, they will fetch good money," A red-haired man who looked like their leader said. All his subordinates nodded as they started attacking Sol and Arthur.

"You will regret that" Arthur said as he kneed one of their men

Sol swung his sword around, trying to avoid getting hurt. This ambush wasn't in the novel, The Phoenix  was an exception but this was different, there might actually be someone else like Sol.

Arthur didn't even need to take out his sword to overpower them. He was teleporting and pounding the crap out of those men.

Suddenly two arrows tore as they hit both the young men. It was as if the entire scene played out in slow motion, Sol was still swinging his sword as his life depended upon it. But Arthur clenched the area hit by the arrow as he fell unconscious.

The leader walked towards Sol and said "There must be something wrong with your arrow, they suck magic out so even gods are not an exception. Yes, that must be it. Now be a good kid  and sleep" he said as he punched the daylights out of Sol. In this world magic was like blood to any being and if drained too much at once they could potentially die from it. Even though many disadvantages because of not having magic this was an advantage


The door creaked open, breaking Sol from his train of thought. A woman with beautiful ginger hair walked in as about 20 muscular men who were probably her bodyguards walked right next to her. An old man followed closely behind.

"We have excellent stock today, miss Rose," the old man said, gesturing to all the chained people, including Sol and Arthur.

There were many dark-skinned people with blonde hair in the cages from Sebet. These people were slave traders, Sol's heart raced with fear.

The lady they referred to as Rose looked around and stopped near the unconscious girl who was now conscious, "She looks nice, she should do" 

Lady Rose with her ginger hair was none other than Arthur's future fiance and the most frustrating character in the entire novel. Sol was so annoyed by her character he almost burnt the book twice.

The blond girl was emotionless as a man hurled her into the air with her cuffs. Rose's eyes scanned through the room before finally resting on Sol, Sol's heart stopped beating for a moment. The lady smiled as he approached Sol and took his face into her hands.

"Brown hair is so rare in this region, where are you from?"

Sol stared into her eyes, his mouth shut.

"Your face is so my type, you know what? I am going to get you too" she signaled to the men as and a man took Sol's cuff lifting him off the ground.

Sol was stiff from shock. Monsters were different but he had hit humans before.

"You are not taking him anywhere, my lady," has a very husky voice, It the Prince who at last woke from his slumber who came to the rescue.

"Another handsome face, the stock is indeed good today. I want this one as well," she nodded as another man took Arthur's cuffs.

Arthur pulled on his cuffs towards himself and kneed the man. The man coughed blood and blacked out.

"If you think a few cuffs will stop me, you have got to be kidding me" he said as he dodged a punch.

He then kicked the bodyguards legs, the guard hunched down from pain as Arthur hooked his cuffs on to the man's neck slamming him into the table.

Arthur went on a rampage and amid all the slamming and punching the crap out of them, the lady and the old man disappeared. All the potential slaves were saved and the only ones left were the blond lady from earlier, the prince and Sol.

"Thanks for saving me," said Sol

Arthur wiped the sweat off his forehead as he said, "That was payback for saving Sebet's capital"

"Oh? Okay I'll settle for that"

The blonde lady just watched both of the men converse with an expression of awe. Now that Sol could get a good look at her, she looked very plain, almost invisible. She had blond hair and very light eyes. She was beautiful in a very different way.

"What is your name, my lady," said the prince

"I am Cynthia" she said flushed.

Sol did not understand why this woman did not leave like the rest.

"You can leave now, you know" Sol said a little awkwardly, he didn't want any extra baggage with him on his journey

"I do not have anywhere to go to"

"You do not look like you are from Sebet," the prince said, examining Cynthia, "For now I will take you in as the 3rd prince of the Calypso kingdom," he continued in a threatening voice "But, if you cause any trouble you will not live to see the next day"

'This idiotic prince' Sol thought as he clenched his teeth. The Prince was someone who could only be described as being too good, his only character flaw was the fact that he was too good. He was exploited god knows how many times due to this. 

All three of them went to the kingdom of Calypso together. It was difficult at first because they didn't know where they were but quickly got a hang of it. The buildings looked European and there were statues of Calypso: the god of Shadows, everywhere. Arthur wore a robe to cover his eyes. Everyone in the kingdom knew that red eyes meant royalty. It would be trouble some if they found out to say the least. Assasination were common occurrences in this kingdom.

The Prince took both Sol and Cynthia to his palace; it was a beautiful palace beside a lake. They were informed that they would begin training the next day and finally Sol would get the sleep he wanted without having to worry about human eating monsters at the inns.


<Thank you for reading till here, I can't wait evolve Cynthia into a badass character, she is honestly my most favorite character to write you will know why in the future chapter. And please comment!!!!! that way I will know where I made a mistake or where I did good.>

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