Chapter 7: The 1st Scenario.

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Sol clenched his hand as he was deep in thought. It was hopeless. He couldn't remember the faces of his parents or himself from his previous life. All he could remember how life was and vague details of the novel.

"What is with the expression? It's like you are taking a shit. Break is over," The enormous man with ginger hair and olive skin who dressed in his knight uniform declared, as he practically dragged Sol to the training hall.

It has almost been 3 months since the incident in Sebet, Arthur sent the message of the future apocalypse to various kingdoms to safeguard and protect their citizens as well as started his own preparation, and then he assigned Sir John Hellgleam as Sol's master, apparently, he was the senior-most knight there, But his conduct was like anything but a knight. Cynthia trained as a mage because it turns out that she had an enormous amount of mana reserve in herself, she quickly became friends with both the men even though she rarely spoke.

"This will be your last lesson from me, so listen carefully. Do you understand?" said Sol's master.

"Yes sir"


Sol compressed his lips as he said, "YES SIR!!!" and he drew out his sword. 

Sol went back to his room so exhausted that his legs started to tremble and he collapsed on the bed. Someone's soft hands pressed covered Sol's eyes.

"Guess who?"

It was obvious to Sol that it was Cynthia but he decided to play a bit.

"Grandma Ann! is that you," he answered barely holding his laughter. Grandma Ann was Sol's caretaker, she was a warm person who would give sweets to Sol whenever he felt down.

Cynthia hit Sol's head playfully and said "do look like a grandma to you?" puffing her cheeks.

The young man started laughing and rubbing his head "Pass me the water will you, I don't think I can move."

"Sir Hellgleam was hard on you again ha? I pity you, my friend," she said as she patted Sol on his shoulder.

She walked towards the water jug but instead of pouring it in the glass, she poured the water directly into her mouth. Storing the water in her cheeks she slowly moved towards Sol with a slight blush. As she got closer Sol started to stutter and he also turned as red as a tomato.

"Wh..? What are you doing?" he said pushing himself back

Cynthia closer, so close that their noses were almost in contact, and swallowed the water in her mouth.

She burst out laughing and said, "I can't believe you thought I was going to do it."

"Shut up, what the hell was that?"

"I read it in a book when I was younger"

"What kind of books did you read?" he said turning even redder.

Suddenly the doors burst open and the prince Arthur walked towards them both.

"You both got seem energic even after training maybe I should tell your masters to increase the difficulty," said Arthur

Both Sol's and Cynthia's jaws were hanging open.

"I was joking," he said chuckling and continued "But, it's always best to be safe than sorry right."

Both of them nodded their heads in unison

"Anyway I think it is time for both of you to leave for the mist village," Arthur said

"Yes sir!!!"

"And one more thing, Bring any survivors you find to the Calypso kingdom, We have a portal to Sebet. The Capital of the Sebet kingdom has found a way to sink the city and they decided that they would be safe under the sea for the time being."

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