Chapter 4: Mimic, a Monster

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"I Accept." Sol said.

The offer was not very favourable to him because a fallen god is stronger than most creatures, but they were very weak compared to almost every god. According to the novel he had read, fallen gods were gods who were banished to the human world, but it didn't really matter to him if the deal wasn't favourable to him he would make it .

"Just as I thought, humans are pathetic........ wait. What did you just say?" the startled Pheonix asked.

"I meant what I said I accept but I have a condition."

"More conditions? Fine, whatever they are, it will be nothing to a great being such as I" The Pheonix said proudly.

"Well, my condition is simply to make a death vow to seal the deal, If the great Phoenix cannot do it then I understand. " Sol trying very hard not to smirk. It wasn't like the bird would notice, anyway.

that seems to have pushed the button

"I am the Phoenix, i dont go back on my word but if it makes you feel and better then i shall do it." At that time the Phoenix was too extatic to notice anything fishy about the deal and started making a death vow. In this world even a god cannot escape a death vow, if they didn't keep their word they would defiantly fall into eternal slumber.

Sol didn't really have any magic because his soul wasn't from this world, there was no way a sane god would choose to become his guardian.

 "In the name of the lord of death, I the great and fearsome Phoenix shall be...... What is your name again?" 


The Phoenix continued, "Yeah, Sol's Guardian from this moment on and shall help him protect his village. If I cannot keep my word I shall immediately die." Then a dark aura surrounded both the Phoenix and Sol and got absorbed into both of them.


Sol set off to the Sebet kingdom. The Sebet kingdom was rich, you could even say it is the richest kingdom in this world, thus the quickest place to earn money. The Phoenix was busy taking care of the new agreement. They were both going to meet after three months when the Apocalypse scenarios begin.

In the novel, the world was hit with a meteorite shower out of the blue, that was the 'first scenario'. Then the Gods would descended and became guardians to a few select humans, leaving their auras with them. Those humans were called god's children. Now Sol was a god's child too well, a fallen-god's, but a fallen god is a god none the less.

After travelling for 4 days, Sol reached a small village close to the city. He found an Inn in the outskirts of the for a cheap price, so he decided to spend the night there.

"Young man, what brings you to this humble abode?" asked the pudgy old man cheerfully

"I would like to stay the night here." Sol stated as he took out the money.

"that would be 3 coppers as stated on the sign outside," the man's eyes were shaped as crescent moons as he took the money from Sol.

The young man felt like something was wrong, but he ignored it because this was the best option he had, he didn't want to be a popsicle by sleeping outside when it was freezing.

"Thank you for choosing to stay here, please follow my son, he will lead you to your room," The man said as he pointed towards a small frail looking boy

'That boy looks so frail he might have malnutrition' Sol thought as he followed the boy towards his room.

Sol finally slept after 4 days of sleep deprivation, he felt like he would fall in eternal slumber if he went one more day without sleeping. Tomorrow he was going to go to the guildhall and look for some jobs to earn quick cash.

Suddenly he felt like someone was staring at him, he slowly opened his eyes to find the frail looking boy from before was the one looking at him. Sol's heart almost stopped beating for a moment as the little boy (no, he couldn't be called a boy any more he was a monster), jumped at Sol as if to devour him.

Sol did say the boy probably has malnutrition, but he defiantly didn't want to be the boys meal.

Sol reflexively took his sword out and stabbed the monster in his stomach, but the monster didn't stop and became even more aggressive.

"HUNGRY!!!" the monster shouted as it attacked him

Sol  slashed the neck of the frail monster and it fell on the ground with an ear-piercing screech.

The boy was a monster called mimic. In the novel, the protagonist gets trapped by a bunch of mimic in the name of providing shelter ,they got more and more aggressive as the protagonist stabbed they didn't even flinch when their arms and legs were cut off. The protagonist finally realised that the only way to kill them was to cut their head off.

BANG! the door was slammed open as the old man/ adult mimic entered.

"Your son tried to eat my brains! It was purely self defense, Mr. Mimic." Sol said as he was ready to run.

 At that, the adult mimic were berserk and attacked Sol. Sol was not very strong, as he had to rely only on his physical strength without any sort of magic. It would be this way until the scenarios of apocalypse began, then could gain skills that would make him stronger.

Sol somehow got out the Inn and ran into the forest, mimics in their berserk state have almost all their senses cut off except for sight and the instinct to kill. He would take advantage of this.

hinding in the trees he had one chance to kill the monster, to produce that much force he either needed a good amount of mass or some crazy acceleration. his best bet would be to take advantage of the earth's gravitation.

Sol took a heavy rock and climbed up to the top of the tallest tree he could find, he tied the rock on his sword and he waited for the mimic. As the monster walked below the tree he jumped striking a death blow to the mimic. The mimic screeched as he took his last breath.

Sol fell on the ground exhausted as he took lengthy breaths. He had wounds all over his body. There was blood everywhere and his vision slowly blurred.

"That was quiet a show." said an amused male voice

before Sol could take in the appearance of the owner of the voice everything went blank.


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