27 - One of my kinks...

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The old housekeeper dragged me towards the stairs into my rooms. I tried to fight him but the more I did, the harder he pulled my arm. He was shockingly strong for an old man and tall, but then, most people are taller than me.

I pleaded with him the whole way down; cooperating a little better down the stairs through fear of falling and breaking my neck. Then I fought more when he moved towards the Dungeon. Surely, he didn't plan on fucking me?

Raped by an old man or my arm pulled out of its socket? I chose the latter and began struggling with all my might, kicking against the door frame. He simply lifted me off my feet and dropped me onto the floor, then dragged me backwards into the room. The lights came on bright and blinding and he pulled me to my feet again before tossing me like a ragdoll facedown over the gym horse in the centre of the room which Dominic had strapped me to previously. 

I tried to pull myself up and the housekeeper pressed his knee into my back.

I was in too strange a position to fight other than to try roll off the horse but the leather created too much friction to slide out from under him. 

As he began to tie my arms either side of me, into the straps down the length of the horse, I only had anger left and started screaming at him like a maniac.

"Don't you fucking touch me you pervert! I'll fucking kill you if you try anything you sicko!"

He ignored me and grabbed an ankle to tie my legs into place. I managed to kick something soft and lumpy which caused him to swear loudly and back off for a short moment, so I guessed it was his groin. It obviously wasn't hard enough as I lost this battle too and he wasn't gentle after my kick.

"You probably can't even get it up, old man!" I continued to scream at him, now totally at his mercy and desperately trying to keep angry tears at bay. I was practically in an all fours position with my chest pressed into the horse, straps up my arms, my thighs and my lower legs. There was even a long strap that went across my back, making it hard to lift my head up. There was a space for my face, like in a massage table and I was at least thankful that I was still clothed.

"Dominic will kill you if you fuck me! I'm his, not yours!"

His face was suddenly in front of me at the head of the horse, bent down so I could see him.

His face showed his age but he was well-groomed, even his moustache was trimmed and clean. His eyes were dark brown and his brow was covered in frown lines. I imagined he always looked stern; even when happy and he looked totally pissed off right then. Good.

"Now that, is the first sensible thing you have said," he sneered at me. "But, if you were truly his, you would have learnt some respect already."

He stood up and I panicked again as he moved behind me.

"What are you doing?" I said, my pleading tone creeping back into my voice.

He didn't reply with words. He replied with a stinging lash right across my backside, so much harder than Sand had been.

My head lifted up in pain and I felt some muscle in my neck pull painfully. He hit me a few more times without mercy, then paused.

When my screaming sobs had died down a little, he said, "you will address me as Sir when you speak to me."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

He whipped one of my feet this time; as if they weren't painful enough from the cuts.

"Would you like to amend that sentence?"

I ground my teeth together and knew I shouldn't have opened my mouth to reply. "You've got to be fucking kidding me... you cunt!"

My last word died off in a series of screams as he whipped both of my feet over and over again.

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