26 - What pain is...

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Sleeping in my new bed was better than a mattress on the floor. It felt a little less like a prison but I still woke up earlier in the morning than I would normally. I was used to being a night owl that seeing the sun rising rather than setting put me in a bad mood.

Despite the early hour, Sand was nowhere to be found.

I showered and went to look for him in the dungeon. I was shocked to find that the items I had vetoed had in fact been removed. I hadn't been expecting that, especially as he had seemed to totally ignore my wants the previous night.

"I decided it would pose more of a challenge, being creative with what I had left," Dominic explained when he finally came downstairs to get me.

I couldn't quite believe that this was the reason but I didn't want to risk him putting them back, so I didn't say anything.

We ate breakfast together upstairs and I realised he was dressed in a suit.

"Why so fancy?" I asked, feeling unsatisfied by the fruit and nuts I had been offered as my only source of food.

Dominic looked at his watch. "I have to go to Edinburgh for a meeting today."

"You can't meet here?" I said, dreading being left bored all day.

"No, sometimes I will have to leave you but I have a housekeeper who will feed you should I have to leave for more than a day."

"Like a house cat?" I said bitterly.

"With claws and all," he mocked and got up from the table.

"Can't you take me with you? Clients love me," my voice caught in my throat as he turned on me, his expression dark.

"Yes, I know they do," he said in a way that told me he did not like to be reminded of the men I had seduced.

"I only meant I will be bored on my own all day."

"You will get used to it and perhaps in a few months, I may see fit to let you travel with me."

A sick feeling settled in my stomach. "A few months? I thought this would be a few weeks, max."

He tilted his head. "Whatever gave you that impression? You are mine until I no longer require you."

My mouth fell open. "Just like that?"

He raised one eyebrow and grinned. "Just. Like. That."

It made me suddenly angry, especially as I hadn't been able to tell my friends and family where I was. What would they be thinking? That I had been kidnapped or murdered? How did he expect to keep them from looking for me?

I could maybe justify being gone for a little while but long term, there was no way.

"I'm not staying here. I need to go home. This was fine when it was only for a short while but this isn't a game."

Dominic stepped towards me so he was large and looming; trying to intimidate me.

"Must you force me to put you back in your cage, little sprite?"

"You can't keep me here indefinitely."

"I think you'll find, I can."

He grabbed my arms and easily lifted me over his shoulder. I squealed and pounded his back but it did nothing but amuse him.

"At least let me stay up here!" I pleaded, knowing I couldn't fight him.

"I know what mischief you are likely to cause if I leave you to your own devices. You will stay in your room until I am home and learn some patience."

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