3 - Your fluttering heart...

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"I'm sorry but I have to disagree, I think it's exactly what we are looking for," the first man said as I quietly lifted my feet onto the toilet and hugged my portfolio against my chest, feeling like an utter loser.

"Well, I have to disagree. We aren't looking for small fry start-ups," the second man said.

And, oh, I was wrong, my day could get more cliché because obviously, the second man couldn't be anyone but Dominic Sand.

"Her business plan was solid and I think we should consider it. Everyone starts small but looking at the numbers, we would see a return in just over two years. That's incredible expansion and I believe she can do it." I smiled at the kind words of David Renaldi. Maybe he could talk Dominic into it, he was the financial director after all.

"You must have been in a different meeting," Dominic said. "I thought she came across a little desperate."

I clenched my fists together, taking all my control not to kick the door off its hinges straight into his smug, arrogant face.

David had stopped talking and I listened as they moved over to the basins and washed their hands.

"Do you know her?" David asked.

"I know her type," Dominic replied with obvious disdain.

"It seemed like she knew you too," David said, sounding like he didn't believe him, which gave me hope. Dominic didn't respond to David's insight.

"We shouldn't be passing up this opportunity because of personal feelings, Dominic. Unless you know something about her which would make this deal a huge mistake?"

Dominic still didn't answer for a long time. I could imagine him staring David down with that steely, predator stare he had, which was both terrifying and sexy. But, to a heterosexual male, it would only be threatening.

"It doesn't matter what my reasons are. If I say I don't like her, then that is all you need to know," Dominic growled.

"If you want to be moronic over this then fine," David said in a surprising show of force I hadn't expected from him on the first impression. "We all have to work with arseholes sometimes."

To my shock, Dominic actually laughed. Trust him to gain a sense of humour about himself after we parted ways.

"I'll take a better look at the numbers tomorrow but we should meet the other partner first before making a decision," Dominic conceded. I almost fell off the toilet seat. Who was this sorcerer, David Renaldi and how could I gain his powers for myself?

"You're the boss," David said and I heard them leave the bathroom.

When the door closed, I escaped the cubicle and saw what I had missed before. Around the corner of the little alcove where the door was, was a line of urinals. I shook my head at myself and washed my hands quickly. There was a hand dryer but I dried my hands on my skirt instead, not wanting anyone to hear me and investigate.

I heard a noise by the door and prepared to dive back into the cubicle when all the lights went out.

It was pitch black, not a single light penetrated the darkness and my eyes desperately tried to adjust. I was about to grab for my phone to light my way, thinking it was probably just a cleaner or timer with it being past six and most of the offices had closed, but something made me hesitate. Some instinct that told me there was someone else in the toilet with me. A movement in the air made me lift my foot to take a step back but I remembered I was wearing heels and I silently removed one and then the other.

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