²⁵how to get girls

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chapter 25 」
❝ the day I acknowledge that you're hot, all hell will break loose 



"We already told you," Julie said, rolling her eyes playfully.

The girls had just gone on a bunch of rides and now they were sitting down―per Amelia's request―and eating a bunch of sugary foods.

"You just showed up at my house, said "Boys suck, let's go," and dragged me out," Connie said.

"But is she lying?" Amelia asked.

Connie hesitated. "Did something happen with you and Adam?"

Amelia sighed heavily, the question had inevitably come up. "Yeah. We fought over stuff and . . ."

"Did you guys break up?" the brunette asked.

She shrugged. "Yeah, I mean I said something along the lines of "breaking up should be fine" and he agreed, so I think that makes it official."

"Yeah," Julie sighed. "Are you going to talk to him?"

"We're on the same team, it's going to be so hard to avoid him. Should I talk to him? What do I even say?"

"What exactly happened?" Connie asked. "Like what'd you guys fight about?"

"Just . . . Varsity stuff," Amelia started. "I was saying that he was being a jerk towards you guys by not standing up to Varsity and he was saying that I was being too immature and fighting the Varsity guys―well Riley mostly―about things that don't matter.

"And I guess he's right, I've kind of been letting my personal feelings and interests or whatever affect my playing, but I'm also not completely wrong," she said and her friends agreed. "I don't know what to do―guys suck; maybe I should just never date again and adopt a bunch of pets and give obscure advice to randoms."

"Do you want to get back together?" Connie said.

Amelia rubbed her face with her hands. "I don't know. It just happened and I'm not sure if it was a heat of the moment kind of thing or I actually wanted to break up with him. I mean this is our first, like, big fight, so maybe we just went a little overboard."

"I think you guys need to have a serious conversation about it. Maybe wait a little for both of you guys to think it through and cool down, and then talk to him," Julie suggested.

Connie rolled her eyes. "Make him sweat. Wait for him to come talking to you and then maybe―maybe―give him another chance."

"That's terrible advice!" Julie said. "What if he doesn't come back to talk to her?"

"He will. And if he doesn't, then he's a loser that doesn't deserve to be with her."

"Fine, I guess that would make him a loser, but relationships require both people to put effort into it. If she's also in the wrong, then she should admit to it."

"How are you so wise?" Amelia asked, unwrapping a lollipop and sticking it into her mouth.

Julie shrugged and Connie nodded in agreement.

"Julie "The Cat" Gaffney: Hockey player, goalie extraordinaire, and relationship expert," Connie said.

"What a catch," Amelia said, dramatically swooning.

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