²¹rite of passage

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chapter 21 」
❝ I have trig next―just kill me now 


"I THINK WE DID PRETTY GOOD," Amelia said as the team trudged into the locker room.

"Speak for yourself, twirl girl," Goldberg said before tossing his helmet to the side and going to lay on the bench. "Somebody get me a shovel and bury me right here."

"I'll teach you to play like what? Starts with a W!" Charlie mocked.

"Wussies!" Averman responded.

"That's right. Wussies on offense and defense!" Charlie said.

Amelia rolled her eyes playfully and slouched down onto the bench. In all honesty, she didn't think the new coach was that bad.

"Defense, defense, defense!" Russ chanted.

"The Eden Hall Academy requires you to maintain a C average to compete!" Orion's voice boomed as he walked through the room, causing the players to jump and sit straighter. "I believe that's a bad rule."

He pinned something to the bulletin boards at the front of the room. "I don't want any C players on my team; B's or better, or you're gonna be riding the pine pony. Now you've got fifteen minutes after each practice to clear this locker room. You've got homework to do.

"Oh, one more thing," he added, turning back around to the teens. "Stay clear of the Varsity until we play them in the JV Varsity showdown. You got that?"

The team nodded silently and he exited the room slamming the door shut behind him.

"Fifteen minutes? Man, I cannot move," Russ complained.

"Hey you guys, look! He posted our positions," Connie announced.

The two girls went up to the bulletin board first, some of the guys reading the list from over their shoulders. Amelia furrowed her eyebrows as she scanned the list, trying to find her name.

"I don't believe this," Fulton started, "I play left side, not right."

She frowned and tried to find Adam's name to no avail.

"Third line?! Man that's a major diss," Russ said.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to find Adam looking at the list in confusion.

"We're riding the pine pony," she mocked with bitterness clearly in her voice.

"We're not even posted?" he asked.

"Yeah you guys are," Connie said. "Adam Banks, third line center . . . Varsity? And Amelia Parker, third line right wing . . . also Varsity."

"We made Varsity?" Adam asked in shock.

She pursed her lips and awkwardly looked at Connie before walking back over to the benches.

"Hey, at least we're still together," Adam said reassuringly.

"Yeah," she agreed before wincing when she realized what happened earlier. "I'm not really sure you want that though."

"What are you talking about? That's probably the best thing about this situation."

"Well . . . I may have kneed one of the Varsity players in the nuts," she admitted hesitantly.

He gave her a look that said Really? and she awkwardly smiled and shrugged in response before changing out of her hockey gear.

SOMEONE TO YOU, adam banksOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz